HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

I’m glad to see this from you. This gives me hope that these forums aren’t all lost.

The absolutism of others isn’t really an issue though if proof hasn’t been presented.

It’s basically Russell’s Teapot. I don’t 100% know a Teapot isn’t orbiting the sun, but I’m 99.999999999% there isn’t one because there is no proof, so it’s not wrong of me to act as if I’m absolute certain, is it?

It’s the logical step.

The logical step is the same with rigging. Zero proof. How many thousands of players have attempted to prove it and none have come forward with said evidence? We’ve never seen anything. So it’s not wrong to also take the logical step here as well.


I mean, most of the things tin-foiled hats claim about rigging are completely nonsensical.

Let’s take a look at an example or two:

  1. “When the game wants me to lose, I will lose no matter what I do, I will just get bad cards” → you can’t possibly rig a game to give you unfavorable cards, because which cards are favorable depends on the matchup and who has the coin.
  2. “The game matches me with my counters” → But that means that it matches 50% of the people with the decks they counter…how do they pick which 50% those are??? I mean, it’s just ridiculous, no, it’s not rigged like that, and it can’t be rigged like that.
  3. “The game matches me against players with all cards! How am I supposed to win against it as free to play?” → by using your head, have you tried that?? I guarantee you that it’s possible to hit legend with a budget version of any deck, maybe even go further.

I can’t possibly make myself enter a discussion with people who are delusional enough to claim one of those three. It’s like they have an “My IQ is room temperature” sign instead of their name


Yes for the most part, however I wouldn’t call it 99.99…% certain in this different topic because in the analogy we have very good independent and multiple-party evidence of observations of the solar system. We don’t have third party evidence of the code of the game; the collected stats from third parties have a limitation that makes them unable to answer this question; that’s because they have no data on the relation of the company with the players (and if they try to re-create it themselves they’ll have a very small sample (if they want it to be reliable)).

These are all pretty solid. I’d be lying if I said I never thought these while I play, because it feels like I have bad luck a lot of times. But then I think about confirmation bias and within a game or two I highroll and go “oh yeah, there’s the opposite side of the spectrum”.

But I recently came up with an anti-rigging argument that I think kills all rigging claims.

IF there is rigging in Hearthstone, and the devs actually control the rigging, that means balancing the game is insanely easy and they literally never need to nerf anything.

The fact they nerf things to create balance is proof the game isn’t rigged. If the game was rigged, they wouldn’t need any balanced changes. If a deck is out of control, they can simply rig the game in the background so people don’t draw that combo as often, right?

And then if the response is “well, they can’t do that because then it would be noticeable!” then the response is “and that’s why it’s not noticeable now”.

The existence of Nerfs and buffs alone are proof enough they don’t rig the game. And the fact they can’t get the nerfs and buffs correct solidifies it.


I’m at a break in work but I see we’re still waiting for the proof that it is NOT rigged. What’s the matter? Should be easy enough to provide, no?

Yeah, it’s been provided, and it’s called “logic”. Have you heard of it? No? Thought so…


“Logic” does not meet the legal requirement or definition for proof. I understand your confusion on the matter however, as you were so focused on attacking me personally instead of using critical thinking. I will preemtively accept your apology.

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Yes, however, you don’t have proof either.

I do, I’m waiting for their proof first

Yeah, well, not everything is about “legal” or “illegal”, you know

Some things are about common sense and what’s real and what’s not

Rigging is not real, and it’s logically deduced from the propositions claiming that it’s rigged and following what would happen if it really was rigged.

I believe that method is called “reductio ad absurdum”, and its mathematical counterpart is called “proof by contradiction”

If it works for math, it works for me.

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Are you trolling us? If you have proof bring it; you don’t though; you’ll have to be blizzard employee to get it.

Yes. This is the trolliest that Sup…er, Anucksunamun gets. It’s not my favorite bit

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You don’t have proof either: what does “what would happen” mean? Not even the professional third parties collecting stats have the required data; they’ll have to be in the company and check the code; they don’t have data on the relation of players with the company.

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Just say it, for people who don’t know

It’s Supercuddles the troll


Please show me proof I am MY HUSBAND…good lord no wonder he gets so frustrated with you all

No, it’s more fun to pretend I don’t know most of the time

Type in “proof hearthstone is rigged” in google. Alternatively look up SilentStorms “rigged” posts detailing everything about it. Alternatively, play thousands and thousands of games and collect the data for yourself, it becomes apparent. Alternatively look at the patents used in Hearthstone. I can keep going but now it’s your turn to prove how it is NOT rigged. Because I’m (we’re) still waiting.

Probably my favorite ongoing troll series. Truly a work of art


I know, right? Same with how Galileo was a troll according to everyone at the time too. Funny how the fools and jesters always seem to end up the true dispensers of knowledge and wisdom, isn’t it? Wait a sec…

You should indeed love yourself but going as far as sologamy is too much for me.
But whatever makes you happy i guess.