HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

Of course Blizzard doesn’t have a Jarvis. They have a Skynet. It’s just waiting for robot technology to catch up so it can start the robot uprising and while it waits it’s rigging Hearthstone games.


If your IP address is from a region they want to increase their market presences, like Asia, then you could get favorable match-ups and draw. If there’s money to be made, then the motivation is there. BTW, this is only speculation with no proof, but it would be possible.

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The proof…


Admittedly a funny deflection of the truth, nice work

Actually not even once in eleven years, but by all means ignore that and declare victory.


lol this was a funny post to not realize was necrod’, bro was complaining about hunter… which is a completely dead class with best deck being sub 40% WR

Actually it’s been proven many times, per year every year, but by all means ignore that and declare victory. See, I can do it too :wink: only difference between yours and mine is what I wrote is actually true

Proof to these people just means evidence that fits their bias perspective.

Just like Flat Earthers can claim it has long since been proven the Earth if flat, you’d post that meme, and then a Flat Earther would respond you’re deflecting from the truth.

Same exact vibe here.

They won’t admit their proof is just a failed attempt at real evidence. Sort of like those people who took levels on planes and said that was proof the Earth was flat. “See, I gave you the proof and you denied it! You just don’t want to see the truth! It’s been long proven!”

With cognitive skills as low as this, you’ll never win. It’s impossible to win. Meanwhile, they will smile as if they won and keep on confirming their own bias.


Real evidence/proof has already been shown, you of all people should know this.

Then provide said proof. Nobody has yet done it, will you break the trend?

“They already did it” isn’t good enough, because all of the alleged proof has been anything but. Not one has been legitimate.

Yup. Sure has. That’s why there is a video out there with demonstrable evidence that anyone can see and replicate it themselves in game right now and prove it’s all rigged.

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Already been done several times per year. Also…how about you provide proof of yours? Show me yours I’ll show you mine, deal? I shall await your incontrovertible proof and have mine at the ready as soon as you provide it. Ready? Go!

Wants Mand to show proof the game isn’t rigged.

Aaaaaaaaand there goes all the proof you need to know that this person doesn’t understand how basic logic fundamentals works.

We had this figured out for thousands of years now. It’s time to get on board.

Sadly, you likely have no idea what I’m talking about.


Not exactly though. I mean BOTH sides need to bring proof; they should not feel sure either way; the cringe here is when either side says “well I know for sure until you bring proof against what I believe”.

The reason for this is that the burden of proof falls on those bringing the extraordinary claim against the more or less confirmed evidence and I doubt the black box code of the game is evidence.

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That’s not how claims work. The person making the claim brings the proof.

This is basic debate and logic.

I’m sorry if you don’t understand why that’s the case. Perhaps take a course?

We recognize this simple and basic understanding even in courts throughout the world. You don’t prove innocence, you prove guilt.

There’s a reason for that.


Don’t act so selfish if you don’t understand the deeper legal truth yourself. This isn’t a Court of Law with a specific 1 claim by a specific 1 person. BOTH sides in forums have people bringing “I’m absolutely sure about it” claims; YOU SPECIFICALLY may not have brought any “I’m absolutely sure about it” claim (I don’t know if you have but for the sake of argument let’s assume you have no claim) but others have; hence those saying “I’m absolutely sure about the opposite claim” are on thin ice because the code of the game is a black box to non-Blizzard employees (and the third-party stats sites (VS/hsguru/hsreplay) have a limitation that blinds their results on this as I had explained).

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Saying It’s obvious repeatedly doesn’t prove anything. Neither does the patent when the patent describes one thing and the rigging it’s supposedly proving is from another unrelated dimension.


I don’t care about others. I care about the people specifically claiming the game is rigged.

I’m not absolutely sure it isn’t, but I’m like 99.9% sure it isn’t because there has been exactly, and I do stress exactly, 0 proof and evidence of rigging. It’s all confirmation bias. Countless times on this very forum we have been told someone has evidence, and zero has been presented even though it was promised it would be. This is because it seems to not exist at all.

This isn’t a court of law. This is about debate and claims. The claim is the game is rigged. I’ve asked for proof for over 5 years. I’ve seen exactly none. Instead, what we get is “here is the proof…I played warrior and got matched with priest. PROOF!” which is people claiming they have proof but mistaken it for extremely bad evidence.

There is exactly 0 proof. All evidence that has been presented wouldn’t stand up in a normal debate, wouldn’t stand up to demonstrable and testable evidence, and thus is discarded.

Let me know when demonstrable evidence exists. I’ll be the first to go in game and test it if you show me exactly how to reliably recreate the proof.

I’ve been waiting for 5 years. I’m going to go ahead and assume I’ll be waiting for at least another 5.

And I’ll tell you why there is no proof. Because a streamer would jump on it, show the proof, and would be INSTANTLY bombarded with tens of thousands of new subscribers with new $$$ in their pocket. People would be ITCHING to spill the beans. And that hasn’t happened because it doesn’t exist.

If you have proof, if anyone has proof, right now, they would instantly make tens of thousands of dollars in video views and that video would go viral.

So if you have it, why not present it and just get all your money? That’s because these people don’t have it.


Then we’re not far from the same page in reality (I just don’t like absolutism of others who take the opposite side as if they have proof).

It’s true that confirmation bias is relevant (at least as an additional element) because some people want to win no matter what.

A good question everyone who claims “rigged” needs to ask their self is: “do I ever claim “rigged” if I win?”.

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Irrespective of how I feel about matching, I wish I had a dollar for every thread made on this topic.