HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

Who cares. Ded game ded forum.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :star_struck: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :muscle: :muscle: :ok_hand: :tongue: :tongue: :bone: :wheelchair: :wheelchair: :us: :1st_place_medal: :1st_place_medal: :rocket: :santa: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:

xD xD

Am i doing this right?


The only difference is, yours will get mass flagged and you’ll be actioned…while the pro company posters doing it will be ignored because it suits their agenda.

Now sponsored by microsoft.



As are apparently facts and logic.

Sure, suppose that I’m the king of the world and you just haven’t been made aware. See? now it’s true in your world… because you’re working on faith instead of reason.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive and you’ve muddied the debate to turn things to your own view, which is still wrong. Saying “we don’t know” is implying that there’s a true and factual basis for both sides, which is false.

I’m 100% open to the possibility… but someone needs to bring evidence to support their claims before I will take it seriously.

This whole zero sum is not my idea, it’s yours.

These people aren’t here for thought exercises or logic any more than evangelicals are here for Christ.


Two months later, and I’m more convinced that I was right. Hearthstone “random” card draw and match-making is not random, or there’s something wrong with the random generator. I should not see the exact same card draw and opponent’s cards played exactly the same from one game to the next. Also, how the heck is it possible that I draw Eonar consistently on turn 3? I’ve been writing it down too, so it’s not just what I’m noticing/ paying attention to.

There’s about a one in 250 nonillion chance that you draw the same cards in the same sequence twice in a row if you have a 30 card highlander deck.


If you’re seeing this over and over you should log a bug report.


Baby necro your own thread just to continue being wrong and/or lying smh my head.


I doubt that the same cards come in the same order every time. What is more likely happening is that in your memory all the games blend together because a well constructed deck that with a pilot that isn’t brain dead is consistent. That consistency means it has a number of way to curve out well and with only 30 card decks you end up seeing a lot of the same cards when you are curving out. People search for the early cards in their mulligan and the deck has enough early plays to hit something most of the time. It’s not always the same something but I can see how it seems that way when you play like 100s of games and they all blend together in an average person’s memory. This is why we ask for proof of rigging claims and salty rage anecdotes of your most recent losses aren’t proof.


So, with programming, any knowledgeable human can have the AI set every mulligan / draw for every game and can control every action thats HS related, except the players choices but even those human choices can be guided towards the simingly best card to play.
If you actually understand what i wrote, that means that AI can control every aspect of the game from start to finish.
People thinking its still their choice and trying to justify games are random, have no clue what capitalism instills in companies in order to profit.

why would casual unranked games be rigged?

i win nothing

i lose nothing

explain why it would be rigged please!

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Because the game mode doesnt matter, the win rates are adjusted on a global level, not only for standard, but for all the game modes.
Also, it’s not rigged, it’s what it should be done in order to have a constant packs sale, everybody should get all the cards in the game in order to have all the decks and all the decks should be equal … thats the systems utopia.

Rigged whiners really are the flat earthers of HS.


And people thinking that it somehow is a good idea to create a system that will be impossible to hide, if it works, and guaranteed to blow up in their face as a PR disaster have no clue how companies make profit.

They don’t make more money by having their players hate the game.

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Ironically, those are exactly the games their main competitor, MTG Arena, openly admits to rigging. The Play queue in MTGA, equivalent to HS’s Casual mode, uses deck-based matchmaking. And it sucks as an experience compared to just using rank, because you end up with a particular deck only playing a narrow subset of opponents.

And the strength of that subset could include direct counters for one deck or hopeless stomps for another - solely based on the rarity of the cards in the deck. Which has nothing at all to do with the strength of a deck or its matchups or counters.

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They dont want the players to hate the game, that’s just the effect caused by their strategy, and theres no solution because Team 5 has backed itself into a corner.

I don’t know if thats their choice or it was ordered from upstairs, or by some study that makes powercreeping viable, but fact of the matter is that at this moment HS is a clown fiesta.

Yes, it is rigged. What you experienced (what we all experience) is the algorithm at work. Ideally it pushes you to want to spend money on the game, this is the main goal/idea for the algorithm implementation. Doesn’t really work on people with integrity though.

With A.I., any real time manipulation is possible. I watch a thing about how A.I. is being seamlessly integrated into everything, without us noticing. I wonder if HS is now having A.I. control everything that’s suppose to be random. I think that’d explain what I notice in consistence in matchmaking and card draw. If you play an OTK deck that you know HS doesn’t like b/c they keep nerfing it, you’ll notice odd patterns in your card draw, and a teched opponent with the same, perfect hand that makes your deck unplayable. My strong opinion, they got “hidden nerfs”.

Try playing in the early AM rather than the early evening. Night and Day RNG, literally and figuratively.

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How does this A.I. decide which of the 2 players gets the rigging when all other factors are equal?

Wonder no more!

Look at how many things could be improved if they had anything of the sort.

They’d be able to filter out bots and make Arena playable again. They’d be able to do many things, you just need creativity or a problem with the game to find out what can be done with it to improve the game.

They’re not even close to anything like that. I think VS report will have AI doing the reports and building decks much sooner than Blizzard will have AI control anything in Hearthstone.

Said by someone who clearly has no idea how AI works.

This is not the movies, you don’t get an omniscient, instantly calculating Jarvis.

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