HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

Well, with certainty, not one word of this is true for me.

But my opinion is different from almost every other claim.
I think the matching is weighted to some extent to make matches more fair for those of lesser skill.

Not for profit. For parity.
If there weren’t some control, then the average and below players would rarely win, never advance, and would probably quit the game, which is counter productive to a long lived product.

That’s logically incorrect.

That’s what ranks are for. When in bronze, you’re matched against other bronze players who are as bad as you are, so at that point RNG decides the winner. No protection needed.

A lot of the problems would be avoided if people only used logic and believed in it, since it’s kinda lead us to all these miracles of science and technology we have today.

But I guess it’s too much to expect.

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Well, my claim is pretty logical as well as reasonable.
The company wants every player to win at some point, else they will quit.
And We have equal evidence.
Have a good night:)

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No, we don’t, lol. Matchmaking makes us play people on the same rank as us. If we get matched with someone weaker, we win and move to higher ranks, so we don’t get to beat that weaker player again.

If we get matched with someone better, we lose, they win and they move to higher ranks, so we don’t get matched with him again, but with someone else.

Sooner or later, we start winning because we’re left to play with people of equal skills and then RNG kicks in (luck of the draw) and we win 50% of the time.

It’s literally logical evidence to the contrary of your protection system. The protection is in UNRIGGED matchmaking.

Rigging it would remove the protection xD

fair enough, but unlike every other player to make claims here, I have posted at least twenty examples of anomalous behavior in the matching using HSR on Discord and shared them with more than one player who posts here.
I played 100 matches, all at diamond 5, and with three distinctly different mage decks.
The percentages for class matching were significantly different for all three decks.

That’s to be expected due to the nature of randomness.

If you sticked with just 1 deck, it would be evenly spread, but since you split it into 3 different ones, you had 3x lower sample sizes (3x lower precision of data = 3x higher variance) and then RNG does its’ magic.

It’s just basic statistics and probability. Again, it’s knowledge like this which brought us the miracles of technology.

If you say so. Stats aren’t my bag.
But if a product feels weighted, and in 100 matches, looks weighted, then what difference does it make that it averages out over 10k games?

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It makes all the difference in the argument about rigging.

To personal experience, not much good.

I know the feeling of losing for days, weeks even, in a row without having a chance to rank up no matter what I do or play.

That’s the nature of such games and the other side of the coin. In the end you can accept it and try to use your knowledge to adapt to it better than others, or you can get addicted to RNG (yes, it’s addictive, it’s been proven) or you can simply quit.

Same like with poker, except here you don’t get bankrupt if you’re bad.

You said you played poker? Well then you must be familiar with the term “Bankroll management”.

Because of variance, you should be prepared to have 30x, 50x or 100x buyins (depending on the tournament mode or stakes you play) precisely to account for variance and not go bankrupt.

Same here, except you don’t lose money, just ranks (and nerves).

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I have never attacked anyone on behalf of this corporation, nor would I, ever. lol.

With poker you have far more control (if you are playing single deck) over outcomes if you have basic knowledge, as the pool of probability is far smaller.
This reminds me far more of slots, which have an allowed range variance for payback, and god knows how many possible outcomes, lol.

I don’t know about pool, I’m not sure that’s correct, that the pool in HS is bigger. Maybe in wild.

I don’t recall any class having a pool of 52 cards to discover from, lol

I base everything on Wild as it is what I know, and there you cannot count on players running meta.
In poker the same 52 cards are always played.

Yeah, well, I don’t. It’s not a competitive mode for a reason (no pro scene, pro tournaments, balance patches, etc), it’s just a mode for fun.

It is much closer to slots, literally, although best players emerge consistently in top ranks there, too, so not completely slots.

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You’re right of course, I play it because it is the best choice for mage and had been for years, because until they started messing with it, mage always has had at least one reliable deck there.
Of course; they had to ruin that too.

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I wasn’t stating you were. I was responding to your point.

And if casinos had this kind of patent on their machines and table games, the gaming commission would have shut them down long ago.

Just like they should be looking into the illegal casino mode the company keeps running.

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See you see this as “two sides of an argument”, whereas I see a bunch of people putting forward hypotheses that don’t fit the available data.

It’s not an argument.

FYI the hypothesis this time is that if you play warrior you face hunter and you draw your most expensive cards first. Especially on Fridays.

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Direct quote? Or admit this is more denier well poisoning.

Scroll to the top and read for yourself.

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For someone who doesn’t want to reply, you really are doing a terrible job of not doing it.

Once again, the deniers prove they can’t be honest about someone thing as simple as this. That’s three lies in a row on such simple issues.

What else do they lie about?


See guys? In another thread I told you be careful! :point_down:

Now we all have to suffer until he yet again banish himself uder the bridge. Fortunately, with the cadence of his nonsense, it won´t take long :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


you trolled the same harassing spam the mods let you continually post non stop, in spite of

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action.

Interesting how the mods ignore this when it suits their agenda.

All to distract from the topic of how the matchmaking seemed off.

Naturally, if this had situation had been reversed the mods would be in here so fast it would give whiplash.

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