HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

Perhaps and IT’S EVEN BETTER FOR MY ARGUMENT. If you have no idea about the individual relation of the company with individual players, how do you know if some “good players”(good win rates) are worse players(worse win rates) by doctoring it and vice versa?

When you personally attack others like that try at least to make some sense without parroting nonsense I find on clickbait youtubers.

You can absolutely find great evidence it’s not rigged by seeing the code of the game.

I guess you’re not doing well with computer science.

No, you can’t.

Because one can still assert, “that’s not the real code” or “the rest of it is on the server and only activates sometimes” or “prove you haven’t left out anything in what you’re showing me” any other excuse to deny that we have all the information.

The code solves nothing for people who make their beliefs absent evidence.

The problem is one of logic, not compusters.


That’s a sophistry (wild hypotheticals that have no much basis to reality).

A Blizzard programmer can absolutely easily figure out if it’s rigged.

Also if it was open sourced we could absolutely find out ourselves.

Yes, your entire position is, in fact, sophistry.

But if you don’t trust the blizzard programmers to have not rigged the game, how can you now trust the blizzard programmer’s proof?

You believe they are lying to you about the rigged nature of the game, so they would still be lying to you while showing you code or are they magically trustworthy now?

You’re assuming they’re being forthright and truthful with the open source and that there’s no malicious code on a server you’re not seeing.

You assume they’re dishonest now but honest then, which is why people keep trying to explain to you that you can’t prove it’s not rigged.

Edit: You’re asking them to prove they showed you all the code, which they can’t actually do.

Where did I talk about a streamer? Do some research, it’s all out there. If any of the proof I provided is unsatisfactory to you for some reason, no worries, I provided several other avenues of proof. Thanks!

If it was open sourced you don’t need them to review it, you can run the client and the server yourself and you can read the code yourself.

It’s one of the reasons most of the software running the technology of the internet is open sourced (it requires impeccable security).

The majority of people who believe the game is rigged will then be asking them to prove they showed us all the code, which they can’t actually do.

But more importantly, you’re accepting that they’ve done this if you think it’s suddenly not rigged. There’s no evidence it isn’t rigged in open source. You’re exactly where we are right now - no one has shown proof it is rigged.


I said, they can run (and read) the code themselves on their client and server at home. If they still don’t believe it tell them to learn programming.

You’re telling me that you can’t see how they could sneak in an extra step you missed in your open source, a routine separate from what you can access?

Again, you’re willing to accept on faith that they’re giving you all the code, but won’t accept that they aren’t doing anything malicious right now. It’s a contradiction.

Even seeing the code, all you can conclude is exactly what we have now - we still haven’t seen evidence of rigging the game, which is why the burden is on people to prove the game is rigged.


Your knowledge about programming is a bit off.
First of all, server / client running at home wouldnt give you even a glimpse of whats going on. AI manipulation happens entirely external to server / client … its fine tunning, which means that even if they gave the source code you wouldnt be able to tell anything.
AI hooks into the game server and has administrator rights to it.In that way, in case of law problems they can share the code without giving up the actual sinister details.
That’s just a hunch, but i would do it like that … it keeps prying eyes aways from the fine tunning.
Any system has a self defense including IT Architecture.

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Btw the greatest proof the game is rigged is right in front of the people who track all the games and follow the game most closely, the ones who do win and loss rates for all the decks. Funny how they are all at ~50% win/loss, isn’t it (with expected deviations based on balance/popularity etc)…I wonder how that happens, hmm…

Every game of Hearthstone creates either one winner and one loser, or two ties. If we count a tie as half of a win, every game of Hearthstone creates an average 50% winrate when we average both players.

There is no way that the average winrate could be anything other than exactly 50%, when weighted by games played. For example, if A plays against both B and C, one game each, and wins both, then average winrates without weighting by games played is

  • A: 100%
  • B: 0%
  • C: 0%

…then the average is 33.3%. But, if we weight by games played, therefore counting A double, then the global average is 50%.

When not weighted by games played, the global average winrate of Ranked players is slightly below 50%, because players who win less play less games, meaning that it takes more losing players to balance out the winning players who play more.


Right…how is it achieved, I wonder? We would expect far greater deviations than “±5%” in a non-rigged system. Hmm…

…it is achieved automatically. It can’t be any other way. Rigging, no rigging, any matchmaking algorithm whatsoever. Under all possibilities , average winrate weighted by games played is tautologically 50% exactly.

Your approach to determining rigging here is like trying to figure out who is male or female by checking if they have kidneys. It reveals a fundamental ignorance.


If that is the path you wish to take, and we agree to disagree, then I will point you upwards in the thread at all of the other proof for the game being rigged, at least one of which you will accept (or reveal your own fundamental ignorance).

When they told us how the matchmaker doesn’t care about deck composition, the rigging whiners accused them of lying.

There is sophistry going on, but it’s the rigging whiners who are doing it.


no u

The game isn’t rigged.

Exactly. And this point has always been ignored when I bring it up.

They believe they have an algorithm to balance the game behind the scenes with forced matchmaking yet they can’t balance the game.

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They’re trolling you. That’s all they do.

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