HS Devs HATE minions and fun based decks

Why are OTK and interesting cards like Thaddius always being deleted or badly nerfed, while control decks and control cards are promoted?!! Every game I’ve played I made a board and my opponent drops one or two card(s) for a full clear. These spells now are ridiculous; 3 mana do 8-10 damage to minions, 5 mana do 15 damage to minions. This game use to be more about having to play minions, and using them to trade and get rid of the opponent’s minions. Not now, zero board players who never put anything to interact with in the game, win by making it so you can’t have a second turn to actually attack with your minions. OTK was the way to keep AFK control decks in check, but you keep getting rid of them!!! Less decks to play, less fun. Control keeps Aggro in check, Aggro keeps OTK in check, OTK keeps Control in check. You mess with this balance every time you do a one-sided, heavy-handed nerf(s).

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Are you being serious right now?

Turn 4 you drop a taunt minion which summons a 10 mana cost 11/11 taunt minion which lets you spend around 70-90 mana in one turn and you’re making this thread? What’s the counterplay? If you didn’t hit high legend while it was active, you should be angry at yourself, not Blizzard.

If I was abusing thaddius, I would smile at the nerf and say to myself “ah well, it was too good to be true anyway”

Whoever designed that card with its’ original strength should be suspended on medical leave and hospitalized in a psychiatric institution

That card made the Wild format look timid and balanced in comparison

Holy … I’m triggered


Aggro has been around from the start, so has control. But lets be honest Thaddius was insanely over the top. Just like Jailer was, and Illica, and Mill druids. Play this game long enough and you know that they will eventually address them. Well unless you’re playing Time Warp Mage in wild. :slight_smile:


No devs hate players and are be fired 1500 times on last weeks

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Did you know that Thaddius was nerfed?? Its effect was gone… so the combos died!!

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There are still more people to be fired, come on Microsoft, get at them!!

This is completely out of line.

The OP has a point. Control is the “rich hearty roast” of play styles. By that I mean that if you ask people what kind of coffee they like, the majority answer will be a rich hearty roast but in reality most people like milky weak coffee, people just say that to look good. In the same way control is represented by the Hearthstone players themselves as far more popular than it actually is, and this echoes to (in my opinion anyway) bias in balance decisions.

And whatever is the rock to the “rich hearty roast’s” scissors is therefore going to have a bad time. Combo has always been complained about more than anything else, despite the fact that aggro had ALWAYS been a bigger problem, meta after meta after meta.

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Nah, it’s just way too toxic since you got maybe 1-2 classes/decks that can counter it (silence and big removals like priest) which suck in this meta so playing it just to counter one toxic deck is stupid and pointless.

What am I supposed to do with other 90% of meta decks? When I see that 4 drop taunt dropped, I got only one smart move - Concede.

How’s that not toxic? xD

Anyway, it’s a pointless discussion. The card is nerfed, deservedly so.

My dude literally what are you even talking about

I was talking about the thread topic which is combo in general being overnerfed

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I got triggered by OP mentioning Taddius


I like playing every game to the end, even against mill warriors

But when I see that deathrattle taunt minion, I feel like someone stuck a knife in my back and twisted it

Well I’m mostly a combo player. I’m running aggro currently because OP is correct

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I agree Thaddius was insane, first you had feugenn and stalagg 5 mana 4/7 and 5 mana 7/4 is bad enough then they summon Thaddius who is a massive body. INSANE! It’s a good thing they finally rotated him out

Pen Flinger sends his regards.

There’s a reason the phrase “fun detected™” has been around for so long.

The building will be burning down, the stock will be in freefall, and an asteroid will be impacting in five seconds, but you can be assured there will be a dev manning the console to the last second, nerfing something fun, posting a mercstone bundle to the store, and blocking someone on social media for daring to criticize their last similar move.