How to progress

So, I haven’t played HS for the last 3 or 4 years. Decided to come back. OFC it’s impossible for me to play Standard since I have no cards that can be played there and I have only enough cards for one Wild priest deck. I am stuck at 15, I have been told to “craft another deck” because my priest deck is not viable, but I have no other way to craft a deck, unless I spend 70 quid?


There is the F2P way :
Play brawls for packs (once a week, typically classic packs), collect gold from quests, buy packs with gold - preferable the new expansion ones.

Rocket Science, I know.

Oh yeah, sorry, i was thinking about waiting weeks and weeks again in order to be able to play Standard, only for a new expansion to kick in and having to do it all again. Thanks, genius.

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I’ve been playing quite a few years. I’m not so into as I was. But as free to play, I’ve hit rank 2 plenty and up until a couple months ago, I didn’t end a month lower than r5 for almost 3 years. The first time I spent money was this most recent expansion and only because I didn’t wanna wait for the cards from solo


The point is, you can definitely succeed for free, and even more so going forward because you won’t waste good pulls in packs on doubles

Edit: if you fancy yourself a good tactician, then 150 for arena can far outweigh 100 per pack


Cheers man. Thanks for the advice.It is just soul crushing to be losing around 10 games in a row and not having the means to swap decks or do something different. Kinda makes you wonder why come back.

I promise I will give arena a go.

Yep. Cheers and good luck. It can be frustrating but you’re starting at a perfect time. Beginning of a new xpac with tons of opportunities for free gold and packs. My GF started playing at the beginning of DoD. I got her all the packs and gold and made her a viable deck within a few days of her playing. She got lucky with druid so now she rolls an embiggen druid and is currently rank 12 with literally zero video game experience besides donkey Kong lol


My pleasure, sweetheart.
I specifically mentioned the next expansion because it starts a new “Hearthstone Year” and will be in Standard until April 2022; cards from 2019 will rotate into Wild in April 2021 if they keep the schedule.

But it you want to take that road, happy journey.

P.S. If your Priest deck doesn’t work in the wild meta: Standard Budget Midrange Hunter or Zoo work even without Epics or a Legendary, there are several lists floating around the HS universe.

Have been trying to create a few decks, I have no other cards than a lot of Priest and some Warrior cards. What would you say are the best/cheapest classes to create decks for? Any advice? You mentioned Druid. Is that an easy/cheap deck to create?

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Lol especially since you need to be level 20 in a class for brawls. Dude isn’t too bright.

I would consider hoarding your gold until the next expansion, just clear the quests. Then when demon hunter comes out, spend only on the new set. It looks incredibly powerful and you’ll only need to buy packs from the one set so far.

Me on the other hand I’m working some reverse logic, I’m going to ignore the new set and try play catch ups on old sets but I was really shafted when I went on holidays was unable to play “frequently” for some time and unfortunately I played some, so I won’t get the free deck. I know if I get 20 packs into each of the old sets I can unlock all the commons and that would open me up to so many more decks in wild.

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Thank you very much man. That is great advice.

Pay cash, duh. Unless you’re poor, genius.