How to get Brawliseum 12 wins

Since priest has always been the most OP class if you want the 12 wins play priest. Just played imp lock and came out 4-3. Guess which class my 3 losses came from?

Beat on a priest all you want. You can’t win. GG


I rather losing than playing priest
Losing a match means losing a match
Playing priest would mean losing myself…


Statistically, even if you were the best hearthstone player in the world and were playing the strongest class (which currently is paladin in both standard and wild) you will not get 12 wins.

Zeddy went 12 and 0 with priest today


Top comment, I rather stuck at D10 then play Priest or any other OP class for kids… Real players don’t need to be OP… for real players, beeing smarter is enough.

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Thank you for the information, bro.
www. twitch. tv/ videos/ 1828489204
Abstract: Zeddy caught a cold, made one run and 12-0 with priest. He said he’s grateful for the regular perfect top decks and it’s the best brawl he’s ever played.

I landed a 5/3 with control priest. Each loss was a player pulling sunwell with a Vizier, and those spells pulled a victory out of thin air.

Seriously, discover is such a trash mechanic in modern hearthstone.

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Agreed… I think the whole Brawlisium stuff is good for only one thing… to make ppl waiste a lot of gold on it, so they won’t have enough for the next mini set or expansion. :slight_smile: