How to beat Lich King with warrior and paly using current meta cards

As shown in title, please help on how to beat lich king in this 2 classes

For Warrior, you can use Mechathun Warrior and for Paladin - Young Dragonhawk card with bunch of buff cards (there are few decks on youtube with this idea, check it).

With warrior I did with a kind of control deck, with brawls, Kel’thuzad, Public Defender and some card draw.

You keep pushing until the Frostmourne phase, then you have to clear your own board, and then brawl the rest of the spirits.

Then you summon Public Defender and Kel’thuzad, and reviving it every turn, milling Lich King cards, if you add armorsith and Frothing Berserker to the formula, eventually you will gain more armor than the Lich King himself and can otk him as soon as the last spirit is gone.

Edit: Sorry, I read the current meta part, after finished writing.

Warrior - mechathun… 1st try

Paladin. Young dragon hawk buff deck. 2 tries