How in the hell is there no counter play to Highl Warrior?

What were the devs thinking when they buff Warriors to ‘if your deck starting with no duplicates on all cards? The deck is so strong there is literally no counterplay against it, plague DK is useless and they gain so much armour the only deck that may stand a chance is aggro paladin.
If you made warrior Brann not immune to counterplays aka shuffling cards into deck then it wouldnt be as bad, keep reno the same to balance decks that play duplicates not viable to play reno. At this point in standard constructed if you go up against highlander warrior you instant concede. How is this fun? Why would you play anything else besides warrior? Climbing ladder feels bs and a waste of time.
I have reached legend multiple times that isnt the issue but definately not encouraging anybody to play the game in its current state.


Sludge lock, flood paladin, and spell hunter can all beat Brann.

Any deck that is slower cannot. Tempo decks usually lose to Brann+Zilliax+Inventor Boom. Control decks lose to Brann+Boomboss.

Brann just needs to be nerfed to like next battlecry triggers twice, or something of the sort. For the rest of the game for all battlecries is just too OP.

Boomboss should be nerfed to 2 instead of 3 TNT. To give an idea of how busted and oppressive this card is, just remember Patchwerk. Patchwerk was legendary for a reason, cause just 1 use of this guy was game changing. Boomboss+Brann gives you six Patchwerks!!! Except, TNT is far far superior to Patchwerk, cause it’s ANY card, whereas Patchwerk is just minions.


I think the current exp is fun and enjoyable besides what we just discussed, there needs to be counter cards making them for these sorts of OP af decks or nerf brann.
I wonder if they will bother to change anything.

Branns getting nerfed to be an eight mana card

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Bran mana nerf will definitely help any decks trying to zerg down warrior. So maybe warrior will become less prevalent at least. But I don’t think it’s going to change anything in longer games so if you’re playing anything that isn’t significantly faster than warrior you’re still going to get owned by bombs.

I’ve been trying and experimenting with a lot of different mid/slower decks because I enjoy longer games. They work well enough against everything but they all lose to bombs almost irrelevant of everything else that happened in the game. The bombs are seriously toxic and suck to play against imo. Everything else you can plan for and play around but not this.

I’ve even tried holding 10 cards in hand to burn bombs but you give up so much tempo trying that that you can’t keep up with the actual board or put any pressure . So basically all options usually lead to frustrating helpless failure if you don’t rush down the warrior.

There is a counter.

I been playing token hunter, roping warriors the entire game, and don’t forget to greet them before you win.

Because bombs have changed to shuffle into your deck i have had success with slower decks. As long as you have card generation like peiest it is easy enough to burn the tnt. The problem is priest no longer has efficient board clears for playing against aggro and the excavate warlock will kill any slow decks worse than warriors.

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With token hunter ive been playing two ice traps with my full board so it counters the aoe on turn 5. Normally gives me the win

War still trounces on excavation lock - Brann + x2 Dirty Rat (ETC)

I was more saying excavate warlock punishes slow decks worse than warriors. Warriors i find tend to let you do your own thing and as a priest it is not hard to negate their ziliax, excavate and the tnt plans taking the warriors to fatigue because of all their card draw.

Their TNT plans blow up 18 of your resources. I haven’t found a control deck yet that can hang with that kind of resource difference. Mind sharing your priest list? I’ll rock that to legend 1.

Tnt only destroy your cards if your hand is not to full. If you play a late game deck find a way to generate cards either targeted draw or card generation. dK could use their hero and primus and there is plenty of neutrals even reno can generate cards, but it is not as consistent doing so.

By adjusting how you play priest you can use card generation to make the warrior to go into fatigue and be the one to use a fatigue plan. plus as an added benefit, they shuffle an additional 6 cards into your deck so you take longer to go into fatigue.

You risk burning a lot of your own cards with this strat and you would eventually have to play below the 10 to address the wars board.

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it’s not that there is zero counter. it’s about there being zero fun in facing one.

Truely, when you have taken care of the Ziliax and the excavate combo. Your cards don’t matter even if your best and most favorite card is in the deck. The pressure you put on your opponent then, with them trying to find a way to win when they are going into fatigue is more than worth it. So it does not matter if the cards in your deck are good and cool to play. The cards now have an alternate use of delaying your fatigue destroying your opponent and that becomes a way more powerful of a strategy for slow decks to deal with warrior.

Also trying to draw your cards becomes pointless you will either lose them to tnt or overdraw and you won’t need your cards. Your warrior opponent had no management of the cards they drew in the early game, and they shuffled 6 extra cards into your deck to win a fatigue strategy.

I find it more fun facing a warrior than I do against flood hunter or paladin etc. those games are no fun. The game in those matchups are always determined by the early game. if you manage to survive the early game they lose a very binary strategy. It is also extremely stressful to face with nothing that is very interesting or memorable that can happen in those short matchups.

What can forum users do about this? ANYTHING!! Now if it were a successful streaming company complaining in the same week, something would be done! What the MASS of people will do: stop playing this boring game! There are other more fun TCGs!!

The nerf to the warrior’s exclusive Brann was to make it neutral for everyone to play with a highlander deck!

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Careful, only approved posters can suggest not playing. For every non pro company poster…it’s “muh vandalism.”

But you’re 100% correct: anywhere else this would be addressed and fixed already. Only in gaming is such sub par product and service accepted and protected.