How heartstone became too expensive part X

You may or may not have noticed, but Blizzard has introduced 1 pay2win card for a premium preoder worth almost 400zl(correct me if I made a mistake)and in my opinion, just as it was on the set so now the normal heartstone will be(in my opinion )so that first they will give it a trial then if after that there will be no rewiew bombing or something similar Blizzard will introduce another pay2win card and mechanics and so on and so forth until it is accepted as Asia games(such level).
Ps:before something says this card CANNOT be scrafted now nor (probably)ever


are you referring to corridor sleeper? doesn’t seem like a very strong card except maybe in extremely cheap-costed minion deck. But yes, it would be very lame of them to make a card that can never be obtained except through money.

This is the dawn of the pay-to-win plot, an ingenious idea from Blizzard management.

But don’t worry, there is always a bright side, as we can expect new competitors to rise after this incident.

It’s not a P2W card, BUT it certainly is a big tell Blizz is willing to go that direction if it proves profitable, aka plenty of players pay what’s necessary to get it


You can craft it when the expansion releases

why are you doing this
anyone can check on the annoument to confirm you lied just to get people angry

and the price of the pre order bundles is the same they just added something small to increase its value so no idea how adding more stuff to the bundle would increase the price

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I don’t assume that he lied. I mean, he is wrong, and what he said could confuse other people and make them angry, but Hanlon’s Razor. I mean maybe the Polish patch notes are translated poorly, who knows? (I’m guessing based on the currency reference in the OP that the author is Polish.)

The point is that OP is incorrect, it’s already been stated that when the next expansion releases the card will become available to everyone through the normal means.

On what basis? Are you saying that because it’s bad it’s not “pay to win,” it’s just “pay to have” or something?

i did because a link to announcement can be found on the first page of this forum

… Okay, but he’s obviously (to me at least) not from an English speaking country. Why would you assume that he’d click on it?