How do you defeat DK "I WIN" super duper 8 damage card?

What were the developers thinking?
By turn six the DK played an unborn 11 cost card with 8 health 8 damage.
By turn 7 the DK destroyed it and recreated two more.
Repeat and repeat.
How do I beat this?
Can someone explain what the solution to this “I win” card is?

11 cost card? umm
i am not sure what you mean

The card has a cost of 11 and they can play it on turn 6.
For whatever reason.
It must be a new card. never seen it before.
on turn 7 they play a 2 cost card to destroy it and rez it and creat two more of them.
No way for anyone to beat it.

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oh chained guardian it’s 11 mana minus one for each plague you shuffled into enemy’s deck , 8/5 rush reborn yeah
it’s a pretty dang strong card true
i dunno what to tell you

silence it
boil it
stick it in stew

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I wish they nerfed Death Knight. Because it’s just not fun. I like to make my own decks, because it’s a card game. But with Death Knight… It’s a toss automatically. Nothing to learn from that game, I never got a chance to play my deck.

Problem is how do you nerf a whole class? I tried making a deck, it’s very cheesy.

I think they moved Rogue aggro to Demon Hunter leaving not much signature on Rogue. Sortof… They could do that to Death Knight.

Next year maybe? Or maybe Death Knight is fine? I do think i see some salt about plague Death Knight. I hover around silver 5 so i don’t really know.

I’m willing to put money on the table. I was going to buy a portrait, clicked all the things right. Password went stupid on me, never got it to work. Thing is i won’t if the game is just not fun.

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