Hoping for a Monk class at some point

In all honesty I dont have much to say. In one of the newer videos they did mention “Hey if there are things you want to see then let us know”
I dropped hearthstone about halfway in to last year, and honestly its tempting to get back into it with the new expansion, all the changes to the ranked progression system and the achievements. And adding DH is beyond amazing. But in all honesty I look at the decks, cards, and classes and none of them really make me think “That looks fun to play!” And all of that would change if a monk class came to be, thats the class I love and am dedicated to.

So i guess a simple thread just to share my voice, the second my class gets added to the game i am re installing and shooting for the stars in ranked. Can we see a Monk class at some point. Please?


i hope so … on some point of the game blizzard to add Monk
but im still prty sure that if they decide to add another class to the game after Demon Hunter …that will be a Death Knight

Just because one class was added, does not mean there will be more. I am hopeful yet doubtful of new classes.

I read an interview a couple days ago that said they were open to adding more classes but I suspect it’ll be a couple years before they do. They’ll want DH to shine for awhile before they add another class. So your wish might come true it’s just gonna be awhile.

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Of course now they will add Monk and DK, it’s just a matter of time. The hero pick interface just tell me that. My bet DK will be first in 2021-2022 and then Monk in 2023-2024.


Based on the previous pattern, the monk class will be added to the game in 2026.


You can bet they’ll have entire classes rotating to some kind of standard/wild format, before monks get in. An entire rotation of playable classes, that’ll be the day.

Yeah no doubt. Both dk and monk have been full fledged, different playstyle classes in the blizzard-verse. DH is just kinda blah. Definitely the weakest pool of potential to add to the game to make it feel fresh.

Note, though, that with DH added, you now need roughly 10% more packs to get cards you need/want than you needed before. With the addition of another clas, it will be roughly 21% more. Just saying.

I’m also hoping for a monk class as I’m a monk main in WoW as well, I’m even getting cards in golden form that I would use in a monk deck ready for when it drops. What I don’t get is why is it taking so long they should’ve had DK added In the frozen throne update and they shouldn’t make us wait so long to play as the classes we want

10/9 = 1.11_% = 11%+ increase
11/9 = 1.22_% = 22%+ increase

You used the word “roughly,” so you were not wrong.

I was too lazy to calculate the exact number.