Hmm, aren't we supposed to get 11 bonus stars with Legend?

And somehow I only got 10 stars despite being a Legend player last season. Is this a bug or I calculated wrong.

With 10 stars, I have no bonus from Diamond 5 to Legend. Isn’t the new system supposed to help us getting back to where we were before easily?

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11 bonus stars is for high legend.

Bonus stars seem to be set to get us to the plateau before the one we finished in, not to run out when we hit the same plataeu.

To me, this seems kind of odd, but the flipside is that if someone legit shouldn’t be at a certain plateau, it gives the chance to regress by one each reset.


I’m not a developer, but this seems wrong to me. I think it should be revised in some way.

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As I said above, this also allows for players to regress if their performance is consistently below their previous finishing threshold. Some folks might take significant issue with feeling “locked” into playing with the D5-L crowd if they no longer want to be playing in that level, but would be eternally tipped towards it due to star bonuses.


But the problem with this approach is there would be no difference between finishing D5 and Legend. Both would progress at the same speed from D5 to L because winstreak bonus no longer exists after D5.

It goes back to the same question from the old system: why bother getting to Legend when there is almost no difference between Rank 5 and Legend?

something to add here.
Prev. month i started in top 200 at day 1 and switched to my other account. Finished around 2.8k here and i got 11 stars.
You dont have to finish in high Legend in order to get the star bonus , u just need to be there once and the system will remember that and no matter how far you drop u getting these 11 stars.
Which are super helpful for me since im playing Rogue xD

How the hell is this even possible? Sorry, not saying you are lying but this is too hard to believe.

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Just went on huge winstreak cuz people were abusing demonhunters and i played rogue ^^ and i wanted to say prev month not this month haha my bad there. Right now im diamond 7 , started climbing like 3 hours ago

One addition star is given for having high MMR, not for high Legend rank though they are interrelated for the most of players. In the last interview it was said that MMR == 3.0 or higher is required for 11 stars.

But there is a difference. If you finish in Legend, then you get bonus stars from D10 to D5. If you finish D5, you don’t get those bonus stars.

at 11 stars you also have a bonus star from D5 to Legend, so it is worth doing some grind to increase your mmr

What exactly is MMR 3.0? Is it the same as having 300% WR?

And assuming that I got that MMR then what is the next step? Should I just quit the game for the remaining time of the month to protect that MMR?

So what determine one can gain +11 bonus next month? Cause i’ve hit 96legend on EU at the start of June with hours and if i stoping playing and end up finished beyond 5k will I get +11 stars bonus next ranked season?

No one knows, its all just speculation. Blizzard havent revealed anywhere near enough on how their MMR system works to do anything other than speculate.

It is just a number that somehow goes up on win and down on lose. Effect of concedes is unknown. As a wild guess - “wins / (losses - 0,2 * concedes)” i.e roughly 70% winrate.

Grandmasters have said that high legend is counted as top 10% of legend

I fully agree, one should be able to maintain stability at the previous seasons rank, not have to grind through an extra zone every season

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No, your star bonus runs out at d10 if you finish in D5-1.

This is the exact example of “putting words in others’ mouth” by selective quoting.

The exact paragraph that I posted was:

But the problem with this approach is there would be no difference between finishing D5 and Legend. Both would progress at the same speed from D5 to L because winstreak bonus no longer exists after D5.