Hilarious Plague DK matchups, Helya guaranteed on turn 4?

Check out my last 4 games straight into Plague DK, the deck and the toxic emoters playing behind them are driving me up the walls.
Seems Helya and Staff of the Primus almost guaranteed for people going against me, haha.
Where changes? meme.
Please have a look at the attachment below for your entertainment.

Xhttps://imgur.com/a/VWdgaSI → remove the X at the beginning of the link for it to work, can’t post hyperlinks in this awesome forum.

Same for me, all the dk plagues I meet all have helya turn 4, same for the warrior who always brann turn 6.

These are the rigged Blizzard matches.

You are on an f2p account.

In their defence from that point of view, I’ve probably spent more than £700 on this account, so probably not a f2p thing, more of a win rate thing really, win too much and then someone has to step in and fix it xD laughs in conspiracy

I have played a lot of this deck and I wish it was guaranteed on turn 4. You just happen to get unlucky.

reminds me of barnes priest

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