Hey blizz you are shady, uninstalling again c ya

That’s a larger discussion about fiscal responsibility in the first world, but it tracks.

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Ah, the ultimate out of context Misquoter. We really need to find your Bridge.

The largest amount of money I’ve ever spent on a gaming hobby for me has been my WoW sub since 2019. Thats been what? $13 a month since like April of 2019. So my largest and longest investment of gaming hobby has totalled $416 to this day. Nowhere near $1k a month.

The audacity to suggest the average person would be doing such things as throwing down 1k a month on their Warhammer 40k model painting, (tho it is believable someone could easily lose track and accidentally have spent that much) or their Nintendo Switch game library each month or perhaps someone spent that 1k on stamps for their collection…in a single month…

thats just absurd at its best, and obscene at its worst.

The audacity here is you trying to refute their statement by presenting your personal experience, as if your experience is more ‘average’ than theirs.

Leave the room Cramer.


And where, pray tell, is the context misquoted there? It was literally about the issue of finances and hobby spending. Maybe you should just stop getting (gasp) “unhinged” as you so frequently put it whenever you see a post that you disagree with.

I don’t know who “we” are. But I’d never find myself anywhere near you, “we” and a bridge.

For my own safety.

Given this company’s track record, for you and your friends here on the forums, I’m sure they’d cover for you and whoever this “we” you’re on about.

The plural of anecdote IS data…but only for them!


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Make… me.

Way to dodge the rest of the text.


And his out of nowhere threat. For those who love to play armchair doctor, they certainly go bonkers and go full tough guy on people without rhyme or reason.


again, you cannot interpret anything correctly. what threat? challenge? maybe. invitation, sure. threat? if you fear a verb and a pronoun, perhaps?

Pronouns. The most irrationally feared word form of the 21st century.

Holy Light, the most misinterpreted person in the universe…from the author of “MUH VICTIMHOOD, DIALED TO 11!”

Now tell the class what the invitation was to.

You ask 10/10 people on the street what “make me” means, and it will come out as a threat, either implied or direct.

Only in politics and scummy mega corp world does nothing mean what people say or post, but what they try and weasel word after the fact.


You’re the delusional one. The average person has a consistent income (called a job) and does spend plenty of money on all kinds of non-necessities.

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :laughing:

Thats a good one. Ive had a job my entire adult life, and even my teenage years. Not once were any of them what one could consider consistent. My experience isnt to be confused as a claim that it is more common than the average person’s… like some would misconstrue. But that is a good lol worthy sentence. Oh that hits hard.

If only I didnt live where I do, then maybe I too could be so lucky as to be one of these average persons you speak of.

Pardon me while I go hustle and try to earn my living as I only earn any at all if I’m lucky enough to encounter someone needing my services. Because if I dont encounter such people, I dont get anything at all. I dont even earn anything for trying to find said customers. The life of your average appliance installer subcontractor /on commission handyman is hard life not many could live, and I dont blame any for not wanting to.

Does everyone in your area work as sub contracted, on commission jobs? How in the name of The Holy Light does anyone get anything done?

There’s got to be some 9-5 folk SOMEWHERE in your area, if only to man the grocery store. Or are they sub contracted/commissioned workers also?

Light help anyone who needs the fire or police!

I’ve lived out in the middle of nowhere and even there, you could find standard 9-5 folk, salaried folk, and people living dangerously as the “as needed” types. But the last were the exception, not the rule. Tends to make keeping the lights on extremely difficult.

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Not necessarily. Looking at america, seems like 60%+ of the country is living paycheck to paycheck so it’s… rough… to try and drop this kinda of money on things.

From my stand point, I generate a lot more money than the average person, and HS packs are still a bit too expensive for too little because of the value of the dollar, so there’s that too.