Hey blizz you are shady, uninstalling again c ya

I see once again the pro company crowd, like the company itself STILL doesn’t know anything about basic business principles. Like the “revolving door customer.”

Yikes, they really need to send their people to some business 101 classes. It’s free to go to community college in california, for Light’s sake!

Like making a blog post to lecture someone about their word usage? Funny, someone used to be against that kind of thing:

Some of us won’t make jabs about home life though.

Yikes, you really need to get off the internet and go outside. Calling someone delusional over such a low dollar amount is pretty outlandish. There’s been about 33 releases over the last nearly ten years, so do the math:

1000 / 33 = ?

Now divide over 12 months.

Now I’ll let someone with an app or a big math brain post it, lest I get accused of cheating, but spoiler alert, it’s less than the average first worlder spends on fast food, starbucks, etc a year. People in this thread probably spent more on a streaming service if they have one.

Now, I discourage giving this company money, but OP isn’t delusional for saying a regular person could have spent that amount on the game spread out over time.

And yes, I saw the part about “regular people and hobbies.” I have no desire to get into a semantic debate about “plenty/regular/etc” because even during the pandemic, when money was at its tightest, discretionary spending balloned…so go figure.

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