Hey blizz you are shady, uninstalling again c ya

So you implemented nerfs without allowing for a preview of changes and then within the week (or two) did 2 minor balance changes that undid your first one…

yeah imma have to chargeback all my recent purchase… you’re very shady lately, your new expansion blows, and once again I am much happier uninstalling your game until you get your stuff in order

c ya next year (or not).

Maybe if T5 gets some common sense to actually make the game fun again and not everything be rng/blowout turns i will play again but imma just dip and enjoy other games and give them my money instead :slight_smile:

trust me once you quit this game once it’s much easier to quit again :stuck_out_tongue:


I wonder if you’ll chargeback those purchases as well.


Nah, I have thousands of dollars into other games that I enjoy.

Why charge-back if I’m satisfied with the product?

Actually, HS is literally the only game I’ve ever done a charge-back on that I can remember.

I don’t particularly like long and arduous processes… but for this I make an exception.

Don’t get the wrong idea, I only spend what I can comfortably afford to.

Besides these mega corporations only care about one thing… their bottom line.

If enough heavy spenders quit they’ll get the message or go under. It doesn’t matter to me.

I purchased a product and didn’t receive what I paid for. I opt to get a refund, it’s really that simple.

This company is the only one being shady here… so I respond in kind.

You do realize the account connected with the charge-back gets banned right? It’s not like I still have access to said content.


Good luck playing hearthstone again if you decide to chargeback. They’ll most likely lock out your account.

Yeah i mentioned this already… i got multiple acc if i want to come back and they get new player freebies so im not sweatin it


I’m not sure youll even have the option to log into your alt accounts. I could be wrong but they don’t take that stuff lightly.

Umm, it’s a completely different battlenet account.

It’s not the type of ban you’re thinking of more like a permanent suspension until the chargeback is resolved to prevent access to the purchased (refunded) digital content

it’s not the same as a ban from the game itself… you’re taking this way too seriously lol

the game is free… why would i get banned from the game itself it makes no sense if it’s free

jealousy takes many forms I see… it’s ok, ya’ll can quit anytime too haha


It’s not possible to quit more than once.

And the cry when they take the equivalent gold from your account when you return, even if it puts you into the negative.

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Meaning you need to pay for the purchases you made and then charged back in order to regain access to your account. You dont have access until you do so, and if you do it will be at the expense of gold. Even if it takes your gold into negative numbers.

Charge back 40 packs? Thats 4k gold off your balance when you return.

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That might be possible if someone stupidly decides to pay the chargeback instead of going next account?

Never done that but thanks for sharing your experience… maybe helped someone here

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Losing my collection to go to a new account and start fresh isnt worth it. Maybe it is for you, which means that your back charged purchases are insignificant. Talking 10’s of dollars. Definitely not a 4 digit figure.

Nah, hundreds of dollars (over 1k$) and Prince Arthas paladin skin on my old school HS acc among other limited edition/rare skins and achievements but was years ago and a different era

I don’t miss it

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Meh, waste your time then. No skin off my nose. If you are happy sacrificing your collection and starting fresh every month, then thats on you. My time alone is worth more than that. But you do you.


Technically one could argue that $1k is tens of Hundreds of dollars… the only time I’ve really heard it used this way would be saying it as “Eleven-Hundred” or “Eleventy-Hundred”.

But at its strict face I just dont want to accept that phrasing of hundreds of dollars when you really mean over a thousand dollars as if they are freely and regularly used interchangeable in the common vernacular…

By the way people that have that kind of money to blow on this game tend to not have such a tight grasp on the little things to affect them the way you are by some nerfs and balance patches. All of which should be expected after a launch if you have been such a big spender for so long and after each expansion. I think its all bluster and a cringe level of attempting to humble brag… all because you thought a nerf occurred and a balance patch happened.

Only thing cringe is you taking my post as an opportunity to ‘humble brag’ when I’m literally just responding to someone specifically trying to discredit my decision solely based on the amount of money spent. See the response just below:

Dropping over 1k collectively on a game over the course of a few years is not some kind of millionaire move Cramer.

Plenty of regular people spend much more than that per month on their hobbies… but you go on thinking it’s some kind of flex.


This was not the primary reason, just one of.

Also it’s not what I thought… it’s what actually happened. Twice. With little information or warning of the impending changes.

If you’re going to ad hominem you might want to get the narrative straight first there slick.

It’s no secret that this latest expansion has been underwhelming, and the meta is garbage and unfun for many.

When VS (a prominent advocate of Hearthstone) gives a nod to the current unbearable state of the game in their meta report, there’s something very wrong with the game.

The only one spouting ‘bluster’ is you. Sometimes it’s not about the minutiae of details but the principle.

In this case, T5’s recent lazy attitude toward balance changes and blatant disregard for player sentiment.

It sounds like you’re just being contrarian to be contrarian… which is pretty cringe.


Good luck.

It would be better if you don’t spend money on things you’re not sure that you’d like. All customers should think twice before purchasing from such companies.

I was also a big customer of Blizzard, purchasing most famous games like warcraft series, StarCraft series, Diablo series, WoW, HS, etc. I’m satisfied with most, except Hearthstone. They did not keep their promise, and should refund classic purchases. Since they won’t do it, I will not spend anymore. Also something quite furious is that when I wanted to purchase new Diablo expansions, they told me I never purchased the base game. Really funny… I think I made the purchase with my iphone, and they require me to find the receipt given years ago. I can’t and won’t bother, I just bought games from other companies instead (rant over).

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It depends on what you mean by “regular people.” I understand full and well that in any metro area of over 100,000 people you can find between 10 and 100 people who are willing to drop those kinds of amounts on physical Magic the Gathering at a card shop, and as such communities form and you can get the feeling of something like a social norm in that behavior.

But you are the delusional one, from an economic perspective especially, if you believe that the average person, in the broadest sense, can even afford what you’re talking about, much less choose to do it.

I see once again the pro company crowd, like the company itself STILL doesn’t know anything about basic business principles. Like the “revolving door customer.”

Yikes, they really need to send their people to some business 101 classes. It’s free to go to community college in california, for Light’s sake!

Like making a blog post to lecture someone about their word usage? Funny, someone used to be against that kind of thing:

Some of us won’t make jabs about home life though.

Yikes, you really need to get off the internet and go outside. Calling someone delusional over such a low dollar amount is pretty outlandish. There’s been about 33 releases over the last nearly ten years, so do the math:

1000 / 33 = ?

Now divide over 12 months.

Now I’ll let someone with an app or a big math brain post it, lest I get accused of cheating, but spoiler alert, it’s less than the average first worlder spends on fast food, starbucks, etc a year. People in this thread probably spent more on a streaming service if they have one.

Now, I discourage giving this company money, but OP isn’t delusional for saying a regular person could have spent that amount on the game spread out over time.

And yes, I saw the part about “regular people and hobbies.” I have no desire to get into a semantic debate about “plenty/regular/etc” because even during the pandemic, when money was at its tightest, discretionary spending balloned…so go figure.

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I’m pretty sure Scrotie was responding to the part where he made the assertion that the average person spends $1K+ a month on hobbies. That is in fact quite unrealistic even for someone who could afford to do that. The “average” person could never do that without burdening themselves financially.

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