Here's how we can fight back against Account buyers (Arena)

Ever noticed players like “FlameOgre”, “InkyBear”, “LavaMoose” or “BeigeKnight”? These are purchased decks. There are certain individuals who use bots to farm gold all day, and then they go to the arena and draft until they get a deck that you would normally be able to draft only once every 20 runs or so, due to the very lucky picks. Then they sell them online.

Regarding the people buying these so called “Super Draft” decks, most of them supposedly are (chinese) streamers who want to show the world how they crush everyone in the arena.

So what can we do, except reporting which doesn’t do much since the account will be abandoned by the time they get banned?

We can rope! Rope every single turn from the very first one. They will be absolutely pissed, and their audience will probably be bored out like hell and leave their channel, especially when this happens match after match.

Since Blizzard seems to be incapable of getting control over this situation, it’s on us to make a statement, and that’s the best weapon we have.

Right now, one of them is stuck with me in a match that’s been going on for 20+ minutes. According to his emote spams he’s really pissed.

Happy roping :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Edit: Another one just ragequitted after 10+ minutes :joy: He probably realized that it’s not worth to lose all the viewers on his channel.

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