Heartstone Battleground RNG needs to be fixed

How does my opponent get to attack first for 4 rounds in a row when it is down to the last 1v1, I understand the RNG nature of the game but 4 times in a row is ridiculous and it happened in 2 consecutive games. It is worse when divine shield exists and it can be the difference to win or lose to pop divine shield with a small minion first to then trade big minions, but not when they get the first attack every round. FIX YOUR RNG BLIZZ!

If you understood it then you’d understand that a 1 in 16 happening isn’t broken RNG

Working as intended - > You lose all the time until you spend some money, feel like you get better once you spent money, got more skillful or what ever, only for reality to hit in ( its not about skill ) they make you lose again so you spend more and get better RNG and over and over … kind of sad but its what you get when you have few whales that spend thousands monthly for some reason, and they want even more profit…