Hearthstone stil best cardgame- what do you love about hs

That’s a motte4 and bailey game that’s been played so many times, I preempted it by pointing out the trouble of the entire exercise at the outset:

Your ability to predict my argument doesn’t make your counter to it valid.

Here’s what I say: all “good” means here is better than average. Period. If you think the entire industry is bad, bzzzt you’re wrong. We are using the current state of the market as the standard for judging the market.

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Its the best card game out there for and especially for new players i mean if ur new you get a battle ready deck thats very good its the best i stand by statement thats its the best 100 percent.

Its easy to get into the tutorial explains it quit nice how the game works and the advanced mechanics and skils u learn as you play :slight_smile:

I think hs attracts new players easier then most card games.

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fallacy, by your admission.

I’m seeing a theme developing: you’re not reading posts this morning. I’m not going to keep requoting my own posts here. Go back and read what I already quoted for you above.

Was that before or after they made sure to flood the new player area with their own bots?

No. That’s not how that works. For example, right now, you are being ridiculous. But you haven’t admitted that you’re being ridiculous.

Of course standards are arbitrary and you could set them wherever. You could decide that everything is good enough, or that nothing is. But the standard that is the most useful in practice is the realistic standard. One that looks to actual past performance and sets the standard according to results that we know can happen because they have happened. So either point to something that actually has happened — it doesn’t need to be current, I’ll accept digital card games at a previous point in time — and say that it is or was acceptable. Otherwise, there’s no use paying any attention to your evaluations.

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I mean, you managed to admit to it twice in one sentence.

I wasn’t even calling it “yours” when I made that first post. I was referring to the usual “muh every card game sucks” motte and bailey game played by the pro company posters whenever someone points out the flaws with hearthstone.

But then you quite literally walked through that door and took ownership of that fallacy as your own. Twice. In one sentence.

Only when your own criteria set them as such:

Contrast that with an objective metric that fairly rates burgers on taste, price, condiments, etc.

Comparing burgers in that manner would lead to an objective consensus on what the best burger was.

And so on. Holy Light, don’t make me post the definitions of subjective and objective.

I love my It is Time To Release the Unicorn Priest:) :slight_smile:

i’m so lonely
stop being mean boba we’re all just people trying to live on earth


This is my main reason for playing Hearthstone! I have too much real life going on now to commit to WoW, plus it is expensive.

I also love the art and the themes in the last few years have been pretty incredible.

Hopefully we will get an awesome new Solo Adventure this year!

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I have a feeling you made this post because you couldn’t log in to Hearthstone and do your dailies (after all, you are on a break). And because you couldn’t get your dopamine to fuel your addiction, you decided to tell us how amazing Hearthstone.
Good for you. Don’t let some strangers ruin your break by emoting you.

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Hi my friend that is not the reason i made the post.

No i meant everything i said here i made the post because it is the best alot of cards games have faded hearthstone is stil going strong and is still nr 1 :slight_smile:

But i agree on your point play the game have fun focus on your plays and improve is what my focus is on.

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