Hearthstone stil best cardgame- what do you love about hs

Even if im sometimes abit salty - but im working on this :slight_smile: - all in all this is still the best card game out there in my opinion.

Its my go to card game and its what i play the most :slight_smile:

Its monetisation model is actually alot better then its competitors its alot better yugioh and marvel snap hands down.

I love the card reveals by the devs acting silly in the videos i like it alot.

The flavour text on cards is amazing and makes me laugh :smiley:

I love the boards and how you can play with them to uncover secrets while your waiting for your opponent to make his move.

Heartstone is simple to play and hard to master yes there is skil in the game even though we dont want to admit to ourselves even rng has some skil to it u have to pick the right card.

Your turn is your turn thats what i like the most about the game when its your turn you get to play not your opponent some card games have that but i like hearthstones way of using interacting you have secrets and you have minions on boards or cards from hand to play around.

I wanted to make this post because i wanted to share some positivty being positive helps you so much and remember be respectfull to your opponent his a human just like you :slight_smile: and have fun


Hey, that’s disrespectful towards me - noone is just like me

joke xD

But seriously, tho


It is the best card game. It’s the only card game


I like the vibrant colors.


I love the soft design of the game :pancakes::birthday::lollipop:


Well, there is a reason why many of us are still here playing HS and talking about the game. HS basically took a lot of what worked well in MTG, simplified it, and combined it with WoW classes and lore. The artwork, voice lines, and animations contribute a lot to the game when they are not so slow that they are bottlenecking what you can do in a turn.

Many players that complain about HS do so because they care about the game.

I don’t read most of the new cards until after they have been released.

I generally do not troll players or friend request former opponents to talk smack to them after a match. I learned a fundamental player etiquette from actual sitting across an opponent while playing Chess and MTG. I find poor losers to be amusing, but poor winners are obnoxious.

The most recent comments made to me after accepting a friend request:



I know a lot of players complain about Discover, but it’s one of my favorite HS mechanics, and it’s example of something that a digital CCG can do well that a physical CCG cannot. MTG had some cards that could fetch cards out of your sideboard, but that’s much more limiting than Discover.

It is important that they do a good job limiting the card pool of what can be discovered, because we have had past problems with being able to use a broken Discover card to create more copies of itself.

After 30 years of playing card games with flavor text, I rarely even pay attention to it.


I personally feel the good aspects of hearthstone far outweight the negative :slight_smile:

I dont think there is anything wrong with constructive critisism the devs always listen to constructive feedback
however being i feel some ppl here have been rude calling devs names and insulting them is not the way to go and ppl have done that.

Talking about cards what we feel needs to be nerfed is the way to do it and it all can be done without being rude.

Anyway this is just an appreciation post about my faveroute card game i feel positivity is abit low and i wanted to raise some exitement and positivity as we draw close to new expansion :slight_smile:

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Im glad you like discover it makes games unique i completly agree :slight_smile:

Lastly i have a question how do i quote another user like certain portions of their reply ?

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When you highlight the text that you want to quote, a clickable option should appear just below the highlighted text, just like in the following picture:


It will look like:


I also use a ` symbol before and after a web address link, since the forums took away my ability to embed links in my posts—that’s how I provided the above link to the picture.


" Hearthstone stil best cardgame- what do you love about hs" I think you should go and see the doctor… HS is one of the worst card games with a lot of unfair mechanics for a long time now… wake up… lol

No it isn’t not even close.

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Heartstone has beaten all other online tcgs many come and go but hearthstone stil stands as the nr 1 cardgame i have to disagree my friend its number 1 and its not going anywhere :slight_smile:

It’s a bit like saying the titanic was the fanciest ship of her day…after the iceberg.

Since the usual “muh every online card game is bad” defenders of the company will point out how terrible the others are…if this is the best there is, then the whole industry is in trouble.

Like claiming out that mcdonald’s is the best hamburger place.

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Nothing…even battlegrounds that were somehow fun are now rigged on outcomes.

Every mode is a g@rbage fest, rigged matchmaking, rigged games and stupid power creeps expansion after expansion…

To me this game is dead…Apparently after taking a look on revenue charts , the game is dead for a lot of people.


It’s like saying the Ford Pinto was the best car ever built. :joy: or a Mastiff’s turd smells better than a Shih Ztu’s.

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Would be a shame to compare HS in it’s current state to any card game, or to any kind of dumpster on fire, sh@t on the road or technically anything right now, because 1 it would bring shame to that object/word, and 2 it would mean that the teams in charge of HS would do something out of the ordinary to fix the game, which they don’t. They are typically the same old “we are listening” Blizzard that only design power creep cards and methods to influence you to buy things while keeping the appearance that they are free to play.

At this point, I would just make hearthstone pay to win, remove the rigged matchmaking algorithm and just let whoever pays to feel like a god and let everyone else leave…They would spare some dignity in this process…cuz right now, this current model is bleeding money as current reviews show.

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I love Hearthstone because it’s simple, but deceptively so. Simple cards put together creating more difficult decisions to make during gameplay.

That being said, cards are more complicated with keywords than they used to be, and the power level keeps rising each expansion since Rise of Shadows - I guess players like the newest cards to be powerful.

I mean, obviously it’s nothing special, but if we’re talking about within two miles of my house, then McDonald’s is the best hamburger place. There’s also a Burger King, and it is abnormally bad as far as Burger Kings go.

Now if I tried harder I could probably find a better burger place. But I don’t really care enough to try hard at that. So I tend to go to that McDonald’s semi-regularly.

I kinda feel the same way about Hearthstone. Is there a better card game out there? Idk I haven’t looked that hard. But it’s the best one I’m aware of, for my purposes anyway.

But there is a big difference between the best im aware of, when I know I didn’t even really try to look for alternatives, and thinking something is the best in a way one can publicly declare as fact.

By limiting selection criteria, one could label their local dump as the best burger place in town. It doesn’t make it objectively true…which leads to:

Emphasis on the last part.

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Well if Hearthstone is such a bad card game, what’s a better card game? And I mean digitally, physical cards is different.


I love hearthstone for quite a few reasons some I can currently think of being

  1. am a big fan of warcraft lore and characters
  2. they keep printing a wide variety of cards allowing for people to play how they like instead of just making an objectively strong set for each class
  3. usually there is a general form of balance allowing deck variety and chance of victory
    for both players(current meta is not the best example of this)
    Misc. inn menu theme is cosy and fun, themed expansions, fun flavor text, overall quality visual and otherwise, new mechanics are usually fun additions, ftp viability

I do have my issues with this game every now and then but they’r pretty small in comparison to all the nice things