Hearthstone is a complete joke

Oh look, another shaman deck

Oh look, ANOTHER shaman deck

Oh look, another …shaman deck

Once you’ve played hs 1 time or two, there is nothing left to see, there is not enough variety, not enough variation, not enough decks, it’s the same shaman deck every game. Either go shaman yourself, or you lose spectacularly.

Why does hs have only 1 viable deck? There is ONE, in this whole game… there’s nothing to this game except hope you get lucky and get some noob playing rogue or priest. It’s so BORING it’s unbelievable. This feels like a rushed, bad expansion made to cash in on. IT ISNT FUN TO PLAY, AT ALL.

If you reply “then don’t play it” you’re part of the problem, loser.

These forums are for voicing feedback and opinions, and I could very well just say the same thing to you, “if you don’t like my opinion then just don’t read or reply to it!” See how your logic works both ways? You tell me “then don’t play it, it’s an optional game” and I could just as fairly tell you “if you don’t like my post, then don’t read it. It’s an optional opinion and you don’t have to read or reply to it.”

I swear, You need to wipe the blizzard-Activision juice off your lips. Hearthstone is T R A S H with a capital T. There is literally nothing to this game after you’ve played it exactly 1 match, you start to see the same deck, the same shaman, EVERY GAME.

On top of that, it’s hideously imbalanced. Hunters are trash unless you get insanely lucky with smork. Warlocks are trash unless you happen to get lucky with perfect drafting. Why even bother with this trash?

I would rather play a million battleground matches, than play another single match of hs. THERE IS ZERO VARIETY. There is nothing to the game except “play shaman deck” THAT IS IT. it is boring stupid, and lame. I can’t believe resources were dedicated to this trash.

Hope it qualifies for at least 5/10


so copy pasta for dinner?

pass the ketchup

Thanks bud. I’m just upset that this expansion is such a disappointment, you know?


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myeah, im not playing all that serious, so i dont think i know much about the meta, i primarily only do my daylies, since the competetive scene i cannot afford, and from what i hear, it sometimes gets a little crazy, in the not so good way.

so atm im enjoying the BG mode, suits me a little better, tho i needs a little tweaking here and there

Do you know what is stupid? To meet 100% shamans and being unable to take a counter-deck.


People think that everyone has access to all the cards and can just make a counter deck. I use all my coins and dust just to make the mage cards and I don’t have a lot of other class cards. What’s stupid is that instead of the devs taking into account the player base that doesn’t own all the cards they just assume we can make whatever we want whenever we want to.


Hearthstone is a joke ? Why are you not laughing ?



Laughing every time I log in. XD


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Let’s ignore a situation where one deck/archetype is so dominant that it creates an issue… how are you going to develop a game where I can make EVERYONES card selection/ability equally competitive.

In HS that would essentially mean I’d need to make sure every class has a viable ~3,000 dust deck. In addition, to appease others, I need those decks to cover the range of archetypes in HS (Aggro, Combo, Burn, Midrange, Control, Combo-Control, etc.)

It’s just not possible. Right now is one of the lower points in HS imho but… expecting the above is absolutely ridiculous as well. As the designer the goal is to have classes viable across the board but there is zero reason why they shouldn’t run with the assumption that decks are available to everyone. This simple fact is if the decks are roughly within a power-band the meta overall will shift around because enough people would have access to the counters.

If you balance cards (and make them in the first place) according to their rarity, instead of some “buckets” bs and pre-designed meta, then you might actually get an interesting game with multiple multitude of viable decks. But Blizzard designs decks, prints a small bunch of viable cards, and a whole chunk of trash-tier dust cards…

Whatever… I got bg to have fun with. And hs to laugh at.

If you try to tech against Shaman, you not matching up as much. Don’t believe, try it.

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Oh they take it into account. What they want is for you to get pummeled and disgruntled so bad that you get sick in tired of losing. And thus will BUY MORE PACKS! Or buy packs now and then vs, meh they may quit but we weren’t making any money on them anyways.


Now now every meta had cancer in it…Play long enough and you’ll see.


So how Magic balances based on rarity and Magic just exited one of it’s worst metas in succession for FotD and Oko (Elk the Gahering) for some time. In addition balancing through rarity would do nothing but jump the price of decks up if I am understanding your point correctly.

So you mean something like “Heal Zoo” which everyone complained about to no end on these forums? Whether pre-designed or player developed players will ALWAYS complain about the top decks because top decks become the top decks because they are able to do “their strategy” better than similar decks can perform that strategy.

What I think most want here, a plethora of viable decks, just won’t happen because there is not enough interaction within HS to prevent strategies from just taking over. We can get more diverse metas, certainly, but it is tough to deny strategies in HS due to the lack of interaction and attacker advantage in HS.

I mean sure but… after X number of games the issue w/ HS BGs becomes similar. Unless you can run out ahead the avenues to success in late game become relatively narrowly defined.

Can’t speak for Standard but in Wild I’m tech’d for Sn1p-Sn4p Warlock and Secret Mage and see them ALL THE TIME >.>

I’m having a good laugh reading these forums :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

It’s funny that most of the top level shaman decks have more neutral cards in them. A LOT of class cards need nerfs still. The reason shaman is so proliferated is that its decks that are on top need very little dust to craft compared to others.

The wild cards need to go as well as HoF’ing a lot of toxic cards like bloodlust.
Kobold Lackey, Cloud Prince, Weaponized Wasp, and Lifedrinker need to not hit face.

Zuljin needs a nerf as well as something else minimum in hunter.

Pretty much almost all quests need to be adjusted(shaman more minions, druid more turns, Warlock more mana for completed hero power, Rogue more cards to finish[4 is a joke], Pally more to complete and higher cost)

And they let cancer stay for too long: hint here is the wild cards should have been gone after a week.

They have Neutral cards but nothing can leverage them like Shaman can do to Quest and Evolve (for now) so the issue is less about the Neutrals and more about what Shaman can leverage.

If you mean Warrior… Warrior’a Taunt Quest is weak in Wild.

If Warlock doesn’t get better AoE Control cards the Quest is fine. It requires a very specific style of deck that, right now, has a lot of obvious weaknesses.

It’s easy to complete but… the deck which should want to use it continually shows data that it is better without the Quest. That is something to consider I think and is similar to how Murloc Quest for Shaman worked last time.

Again, if Paladin does not get more Control tools it isn’t an issue but yes, could be an issue if Paladin is given more Control tools.

That’s typical novice’s mistake. And yes, wasting whole collection for one deck is not clever.

SoU was a very good expansion, but ok