Hearthstone Feedback and Content Suggestion


Name’s Hawke323, a card game fan, a game designer and programmer. A lot of ideas were accumulated during playing Hearthstone since Alpha and I wish to share them here.

The post is kind of long. So, I formatted it and added lots of images to improve the reading experience. Please use this links to read.


Here I will only post the introduction part:

Rumble Run thoughts: Simple ideas of RR improvements. Card selection, key cards drawn.

Fueling the Adventure Mode: Enabling more developing resource spent on Adventures by expanding golden card collecting methods.

Something new, PvEvP Modes: Reuse existing codes and assets to create brand new multiplayer experience.

Ladder Reformation: Morphing Format which changes fast and includes wild cards. Introduce the key system: Interest Dust to reduce building cost and encourage purchasing new packs.

Again, please use one of this links to read the whole document:


*btw I know it should be posted at the Community Discussion division. However due to unknown reasons I can’t create new topic there. if possible, please mirror the post there. Thank you!