Happy 10th Anniversary to Hearthstone! 2024!

For all Russian citizens, May 9 and May 9, 2024 are a national holiday!
This holiday starts on May 1st and ends on May 9th! All citizens of the Russian Empire will rest for exactly 9 days. Nobody will work!
Various emergency services will be working, but by and large everyone will have a rest on May 1-9!

May 9 is a national holiday!

Handschlag von Torgau - Elbe Day am 25. April 1945 (youtube.com)

It’s not V-Day where I live, but I have always respected those who fought and served. How badly provisioned the Russian army was during the war, and still managed to hold off the invasion of their homeland, and push back into german is a story not many people hear. Especially considering the conditions they had to fight in.

I’m not sure how historically accurate it is, but I enjoyed movie “Enemy At The Gates.” Have you seen it?

  1. (60) Брестская крепость Первый бой с немцами Рукопашный бой - YouTube
  2. майор Гаврилов (youtube.com)