Group of users overtaken the Blizzard forums and report the Topic so they are closed

Group of users overtaken the Blizzard forums and spam the posts so the constructive Topic are hidden and closed.
It is very hard to open a new constructive topic with new ideas and improvement to fix the issue without it beeing flamed , trolled and personally insulted verbally in the BLizzard public forums
I do not ask a compensation for my new ideas or patents that make company profits

This is NOT the first time of such occurence where Blizzard forum moderators are actively involved in such disrespectful behaviour and they are hiding their identity behind.
The list of users who has commited to flagging Topic as SPAM should be reviewed and revealed.

Your post was flagged as spam : the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected.

The issue is that the topics you create aren’t constructive discussion, they’re mindless complaints from someone who can’t stand losing to any deck ever. If you were on the hearthstone balance team, no one would have decks because the slightest chance of beating you would be considered overpowered and unfun.