Blizzard started giving us more cards for free with the downside of not being able to dust them.
I honestly prefer getting 100+ golden undustable cards rather than 0; I don’t get why someone should prefer the second option.
Of course I would prefer a third option (free golden cards that are dustable), but this doesn’t seem like something blizzard would ever do.
They recently released DK and didn’t even gave the starter set for free, the last thing they are looking forward to is giving us more free stuff
I am annoyed by them as well.
I really don’t like the fact that when you copy a deck it chooses golden versions of cards by default.
Even when I copy my own list from my collection over to a tavern brawl, it puts golden cards into the list. I then have to manually switch them.
Yes, that’s not a gift, imo. That’s a burden.
I hate having to scroll extra pages for stacks of golden cards I will never use… even the core goldens.
I would love some toggle that turns off golden cards in your collection.
It must be such a burden to you to know you have a digital binder of cards to collect that when you signed up for playing the game at all you agreed to their terms of how it be going forward. In that agreement you made was also an agreement that they can change things up further down the line and make different decisions about the game and their card collection they are letting you pretend is yours. Pretending these undustable cards that arent your’s are somehow a burden to you and not merely them actually unlocking access to more cards for you to play with should you so chose.
That’s the reality of what is going on. You are playing in someone else’s sandbox and complaining about the sand castle toys they let you play with and getting upsetti spaghetti when you cant destroy their toys as if they were actually your toys. Whether or not you spend irl money on anything in that sandbox or not isnt relevant because it is still their sandbox, their toys, their sand. You just are granted access to them on a sliding scale over time or over money spent. Complaining as if anything in the game is actually something that belongs to you is just absurd as we all made the same agreement to their terms when we signed up for the game and continue to agree to them every time we log in currently.