Gold Cards look better than Signature

Tiny rant thread but I kinda think signature cards are ugly and if given the choice would choose the gold version over the signature version 10 times out of 10. Am i the only one?


some suck, but i do like the colors on them. generally an improvement imo

Depends on the effort made by the artist.

The first round were atrocious, and it’s insane they are still charging more for the packs that have a higher chance of getting them. Just another way they could have shown a mea culpa to the playerbase by giving refunds and marking the packs down to at least the same price as the others.


signature cards are visual disaster.
whenever my opponent plays signature minion, I have to put my cursor on the minion to see what that minion do.

they should remove all signature cards and make golden cards much more rare and costly to obtain