Go second, lose

arena; seem to make this thread every year
how has this not changed still?

nothing like getting out tempod every game! unless you deck is insane

How can this be fixed?

by adding a pay2win mode, $1 and your next 30 games you will play first!

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It’s already P2W. If you bought packs this season, you receive enhanced RNG!

Opponent should get your dollar

What if there was spell that the player that didn’t go first got, which would give them an extra mana?


Sounds very much like a con

man another game where I go second and lose 30 hp to 0 hp, arena curvestone is fun.

Your oponent go mage, play the 1/4 that give free cards in 1 turn, lost

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What about the discovering??

Didn’t draft a legendary dragon? Here, you can choose between ysera the dreamer, deathwing the destroyer or raid boss onyxia

You didn’t pay enough money yet for the rigging to switch to your side. Spend more money and you will go first, get the best cards in your drafts, get the best draws and have all the RNG go in your favor.

discover doesn’t matter if you dont go first
literally just steamrolled a guy now going first, all I did was go 1-2-3-4-5, 4 mana + 2 mana, go face and I won with full hp!