Gibberling Nerf Makes Malfurion BOH Much Harder

Maybe I’m just really bad at the game, but I think the new nerf to Gibberling makes defeating Ragnaros in Malfurion’s book of heroes almost impossible. I’ve been trying for several hours after realizing I never completed it and I think the nerf from 1 to 2 mana broke the encounter. There hasn’t been a way I’ve found to utilize Cenarius’ frenzy to proc for my minions and I run out of resources and health on turn 5 every time. Is there something I’m missing?

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You can still make a powerful start by keeping your starting hand and going Innervate > Gibling > Bloom > Power of the Wild (buff board). Concede if you lose the Ragnaros lottery and Cenarius isn’t hit with the first HP activation.

But yeah, it does leave you with either 1 Innervate or 1 Gibling less which can potentially be devastating considering how important time is in that duel.


I stuck with it and got a really high roll and finally got it. It definitely complicated the encounter!

Given these are BOH they should have “independent” cards. We know from the tavern brawls that involve decks that can no longer exist due to changes in card that coding for this is possible. It is inexcusable for any changes in regular cards to have any effect on predesigned decks.


I completely agree. I don’t mind a bit of RNG (this is Ragnaros we’re taking about) but the nerf means you literally have to have PERFECT luck to even have a hope of winning. I have tried to beat him ten times now and each time I get completely duked by Flamestrike or Volcano just as my board is built up enough to win.

I mean this Book of Heroes came out only a few week ago, it’s still fresh in the developers minds. Surely SOMEONE would of realised the Gibberling nerf would make this adventure way more difficult? If they aren’t got the resources to fix it, at least put out a tweet saying we’re working a fix or something…

If we have to wait until next year to have a reasonable chance of beating this adventure (i.e. when Gibberling rotates and probably have the nerf reverted) I will be extremely annoyed and disappointed with Team 5.


I would not count on the nerf being reverted. Barnes was nerfed to 5 and has not been unnerfed back to 4 even though his relevance in modern wild decks is small and very limited when he did apepar.

1-mana Gibberling was an even more polarizing card in Wild than it was in Standard. I’ve personally seen more than 1 (nearly) full board of 3/3s on turn 1 from a Token Druid opponent that went second.

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Wild as a whole is an insane and unbalanced mess - there are card interactions possible that no one ever thought of.

Honestly, this wouldn’t “that” bad if the game didn’t cheat. I had two three health minions that would have ended the match but the boss “happened to have” three whirlwinds in his hand. Wouldn’t you know it, he won. Seriously if they played the game within their own rules I can deal with losing. If the devs would pay more attention to their games and less attention to harassing their own employees, maybe the game would be more balanced.

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