Game still at a sad state. Sorry but its true

  1. Quest mage and Garrote rogue completely untouched. Complete cancer decks awful to face and creating really bad gameplay experiences.

  2. You buffed the wrong archetypes. Instead of buffing a healthier archetype, like Control Warrior for example, you buffed all the aggressive pirates making the ladder an aggro fiesta once again and also making Pirate Warrior even more broken on Wild.

  3. Manacheating is still out of control. Nerfing Mithril Rod is just not enough. Its about time you add a fundamental rule in the game, cards cant be discounted at less than 1 mana. Being able to play 20 cards in turn should not be a thing, its one of the reasons most people are not enjoying the game right now.

On the bright side, Wild seems to be much more fun now. Standard is just awful though. Literally nothing have changed. Its either uninteractive Solitaire decks or aggro. If you dont make massive changes to the mechanics of the game, this will just stay like that.


It is with the questlines that is for sure. Blizzard can’t make any more good games, I mean how can you when your own house is full of criminals?

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that rod in lock was so-so in wild…technicly an enabler to puke hand for opponent to use board removal

the demon seed quest however was a major issue

Loatheb is much more concerning as it block board removal entirely
as for Standard…i dont think warlock get enough synergy from the discount…far from the wild level(which wasn’t problematic in wild(Rod))

EDIT: the other stuff you pointed out however…yes they’re an issue

Warlock was hit hard from the patch on Standard but the problem is that a lot of other issues were not addressed. Garrote Rogue, Celestial Alignment, Quest Mage, Ignite going infinite making impossible for any slow deck to beat it, i could just go on. The latest patch was a very good step to the correct direction however there are tons of things to fix. This expansion completely broke the game, questlines are just unhealthy for the game and cards like Ignite are just awful design. I think its the first time we had 3 balance patches so soon after an expansion launch which clearly shows how busted this expansion was and how much it has powercreeped the game.

I just wish they added the rule that i mentioned above, cards cannot cost less than 1 mana (apart from cards that originally cost 0, like Backstab for example), this would fix a lot of the manacheating issues the game has right now. Watching your opponent play 20 cards in 1 turn and not being able to do anything about it apart from watch is just really unfun. As i also said above i also didnt like the fact that they chose to buff aggressive warrior cards, but on the other hand i cant really blame them, Warrior has no access to the manacheating a lot of other classes have so you can only make it aggressive to compete. At least it interacts with the board. I just wish they remove the solitaire decks, its not about winrate its about play experience they are just awful to face…

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i hope they never do
changes like that should be only card by card like they did for dragon queen alex back then
is a terrible idea to blindly nerf cards for no reason like you are suggesting

I’ve been finding a nice variety of decks in standard at D5. I’m able to competitively play Big Warrior, which is a control deck. It’s not nearly as bad as you describe.