Game needs an emergency patch

30 cards changed just to make Warrior and Hunter break the game. I dont think I remember another time wanting to stop playing 2 days after a big patch.

I hope you realize your mistake faster this time and we dont have to wait a month for a patch.


“The big balance patch made things worse. What we need is another big balance patch!”

Maybe no amount of balance patching will ever make you happy.


If this was truly a balance patch then it would be great, but it wasn’t.
A real patch is obviously needed but won’t be provided.

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Ah, “real balance has never been tried.” A classic of bad argumentation.

But in any case, if you know what kind of patches come out of Blizzard, why would you expect the next one to be a “real” one?

I am not.
I am just saying what’s needed.

This obviously wasn’t a balance patch.

Hunter is just annoying to play, so their punishment is playing it. I personally just refuse to play more of it after heavily playing it for ~3 days [before it became a meme]; it’s practically the fastest viable deck in the game (average play time ~6 minutes) so it’s extremely sensitive to bad mulligans; if only the first 2-3 draws go south you feel like a helpless fool waiting for a miracle.

While Hunters are just super aggressive and super annoying, they are beatable.
Warrior however, is not. You cannot win against Warrior. They need to patch it ASAP.

They tried to make it a balance patch for sure… but it has failed… ended up as an unbalance patch…

i kill alot more warrior than hunter so is not really right …depends what deck you play /HL druid there/