Galakrond awakening solo IS NOT RELEASED FOR IOS

If blizzard could give me an actual release date for that I would appreciate it a lot more than just being told to wait. And quit deleting my posts.

Not an official date but i dont see this happening before May

Don’t you all have phones blizzard? Nobody cares if it was released on pc

It’s not Blizzard bro it’s IOS it’s a bs company run by the same greedy, careless people that run most large companies. They are trying to take them to the cleaners to make this work on their platform and that, my friend, is why you just buy a phone that works perfectly for like 200 bucks. Or, tie your life, music , and media into something that perpetually sucks all of your resources and manages your digital and social content.

I really, really do not think that this is on Blizzard.

ofc it is on blizzard. Just like they don’t communicate with us until it is too late, they didn’t communicate with apple to get their product released at a specific time…

after working with the fruit company… i have to whole-heartedly disagree. they make EVERYTHING difficult. the public image is just that, an image. it is not the reality.

People don’t know how releasing software on the various app stores works.

It’s a multiple step process that, even when you finally finish and mark your new version live, isn’t instant.

It’s certainly not specific to Apple but there are plenty of things they do that make developing on iOS a pain.

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I agree. Good point. Sorry I tend to single them out since I have had such a sheit experience with them. But… They do create their own universe that you have to subscribe too and that, I do not like.