Gala priest sucks, don't craft

Complete waste of dust. Despite the fact that tempostorm thinks it’s a tier 1 I think it’s kinda garbage. I’m stuck at D10 and I’ve lost way more matches than I won. Hunter beats it easily, very hard matchup, paladin can also give you a hard time with constant mid-range pressure. Rogue is very hard too, druid is hard. They have all the time in the world to ramp and do op combos cus u do nothing early and can’t pressure then just kill you with massive boards. Mage is okay and the only good thing is you can win vs warriors which I barely see and does better vs DH than other classes except warr. What is your experience?

Gala Priest is not the most efficient deck to climb with one huge weakness: takes too much time for a match.

But the deck is a monster on ladder if what you want is not climbing but stopping others from climbing. It can easily get to 100% WR and destroy every other matches

That’s a good summary of its match up spread actually. Can’t comment on Paladins because I didn’t see any while I was playing the deck but ya when the meta is heavy with hunters and rogues, you’re not going to have a pleasant experience.

This is gonna be an unpopular opinion, however, Priest separates the Hearthstone men from the Hearthstone boys. As irritating as they are to play against, they’re difficult to pilot properly.

There’s a reason why there’s such a discrepancy between the win rates of pretty much all Priest builds in gold and below in comparison to high Diamond and legend.

High Legend players have great win rates with Gala Priest.

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Murloc Paladin is rough unless you draw your answers. Libram/Pure Paladin is almost always a win unless they can pressure the Priest early.

You sure spent a lot of time listening to the haters if you thought it was a great deck.

In terms of actual performance, Vicious Syndicate says that Gala Priest is Tier 3. Personal experience says that games go a lot better if you somehow manage to draw a curve in a deck that is like 50% spells, and that you spend most games against Bomb Warrior or Demon Hunter praying to stick a minion and draw Apotheosis. Turns out that actually being able to upgrade Galakrond and play your Fate Weavers out as more than vanilla 3/6s is pretty good. Sure hope they print some decent Invokes for Priest next expansion to help the deck (I know they’re not going to print Invokes).

The deck basically survives by being good against Enrage Warrior, though less good against the Bomb variant that’s becoming prevalent. Stats say Priest’s unfavored against Demon Hunter and a lot of other things.

But hey, if you’re stubborn enough you can get Legend with it. I’ve done it two months running, and I’m chilling at Diamond 5 after one day of serious play this month.

Tempostorm lol.


There’s your first mistake. Thinking TS is the best source for decks meta strength.

VS places Galakrond Priest at Tier 3.

You should have crafted Bomb Warrior or HL Hunter if you wanted to be a meta wrecker.

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I already have HL Hunter and most likely will go back to playing it. Only crafted priest because it seemed really fun and it is hella fun but kinda bad atm.

Like, I can see them saying Gala Priest is T2, since you can eke out some tight wins if you know your outs, but I had to go check for myself when OP said their meta report rated Galakrond Priest T1. wut.

People have gotten Legend 1 with Gala Priest. You know, when it was basically nothing but Warriors in the top 50 or w/e. But Legend 1, clearly OP OP.

Or, more likely… they just don’t have anybody that’s ever played the deck.

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Permission to link this thread to any “priest OP pliz nerf” complaint post.

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nothing new added here, priest had been bad since round one of nerfs. i dont really understand how you fell into this trap…