Free decks for returning/new players is BS

So… anyone else annoyed that players who have stuck with hearthstone for years get ignored, while those who abandoned the game can get AN ENTIRE RENO MAGE deck for free? And blizzard doesn’t bother giving any of the loyal players anything. Hell, even a card back or hero art for being a long time player would be acceptable. But nothing? Complete bull.


why would i ?
they have less card than i do


Because you spent either time or money getting those cards. I’m not against new players getting free decks. I AM against loyal players being ignored while players who quit get rewarded.


Most loyal players don’t get in years what these “returning” players are getting in a day, for free. If we knew this was coming many would have stopped playing 4 months ago. A small price to pay for years’ worth of cards.

no really

without playing for 4 months you wouldnt have the gold for the next expansion

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then they are doing it wrong… sorry but that is the truth.

They should give current players a hero portrait of choice lol

It’s the carrot on a stick.
Besides, the same is going on in the new card games.

The players getting rewarded will quit the game again within a week or two.

This is just an attempt to improve retention. They should figure out how to keep the loyal fans… if it were easier to get cards people wouldn’t be leaving. I’m definitely going to spend less money this expansion.

Maybe I’ll even stop for a few months.

Yeah, just ignoring all the free legendaries you got, free packs, events, etc.

Talk about entitled.


The people eligible for this offer at this point won’t have gotten a free Sathrovarr from the DoD pre-launch. They also won’t have gotten the free packs from the DoD pre- and launch event or the ~17 Tavern Brawl packs, nor would they have gotten the free packs from the Galakrond’s Awakening event or the bonus gold/dust from the Lunar New Year quests. Or the gold from the regular quests.

They’re behind a semi-active player by something like 6000 gold, 3-400ish dust (LNY event), 25ish packs and a Legendary. And that’s if they dropped the game just before DoD, if they dropped it earlier they’ll be even farther behind those that were active.

And they can’t claim another free deck by going inactive for 4 months after claiming their first deck.