Found the problem with the game

by disincentiving people from farming. low ranks.


The fact about R20 still competing and being ladder albeit being low is not a debatable opinion. If there’s a ladder there has to be a bottom. It is ladder still. It doesn’t mean you’re a competitive player, it means you’re playing at the bottom of a competitive environment.

I’ve never heard of gold portrait farmers in lower ranks to be honest. I assume it has to be done on a new account? Farming 500 wins and tanking your mmr until you get what you need is just completely crazy lol, probably worst than a legend grind I just don’t see why people would do that.

I still think we should get rewards every time we reach a rank we haven’t reached this season instead of win 3 gain 10g and GOD should they increase the rewards for hitting Legend… There’s barely any point in going past 5 right now…

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ladder does not = competition.

maybe people dont want to legend grind… and people waste thier life doing thousands of things, not my fault if you dont think it happens

so is it about competing or free stuff. you can’t have it both ways.

You can absolutely compete to get free stuff. People do it all the time not only on HS.

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except no one is competing everyone gets thier own rewards it literally is not a competition you also said you dont know anyone that grinds for portraits but then said you would grind for free dust, an arguably way less valuable commodity then golden portrait.

that was my point you cant have it both ways, you either believe the reward incentivize how people play or it does not.

Simple. You compete to get higher. Get higher get better rewards. Tiered rewards are nothing new to competitive formats. Can’t just give one medal to one guy lol.


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my bad i have a headache, dust is less valuable then golden portraits.

Haha yeah makes more sense and I do agree, but I already have the golden protraits :frowning:

yeah typically you reward the best few. in most competitions the vast majority of people get nothing, if they are lucky maybe a paycheck.

Arguably the lower ranks get pretty much nothing besides a card back and 45 dust though, which is pretty irrelevant besides the card back

and golden portraits.

Fair enough --------

If you’re still at rank 20 when you get your golden portrait you’re probably bad at the game. Very few people actually care about golden portraits enough to farm them.

Consider getting good at the game and you wont have problems with the handful that are still farming for golden portraits anymore

And yes, get good, not net deck. I stomped rank 20 on a fresh account with a terrible deck (Burgle Rogue 3 months ago). It’s not hard if you’re even half decent at the game even with homebrew decks

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litterally could have not missed the point more. there are golden portraits at rank 20 all the time, having a game with people who suck at the game but netdecking and farming low ranks is not good for the game.

also could have not missed the point anymore then this. it is about haveing fun, not " getting good" the game should be enjoyable no matter what deck anyone plays.

also its about making the game more enjoyable for more people. why is that so bad?

also any one persons skill level will never effect the entire meta, is about finding solutions to problems people constantly bring up. but a small group of forum elitist stifle any conversation.

i have played the game sense beta. and these problems have literally been brought up sense beta.

Of course there are. People have Whizbang, players who have Goldens take breaks and get set back to rank 20. Assuming everyone who has one at rank 20 is farming new players is as stupid as saying rank 20 isn’t competitive.

This is a matter of attitude. You can enjoy playing whatever you want, that doesn’t mean you’re going to win with it. As in literally every card game.

Cool. So have I. Except I’m not an idiot who expects the competitive mode to stop being competitive because I don’t think it’s fair.

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HS community back then : HS its so expensive please reduce the prices , also dont release any solo adventures with cards blocked behind them.
Blizz : creates those bundles and not making adventures with cards
HS community : WTF blizzard you are not listening to us.

HS community : this game needs to be more friendly to the new players
Blizz: creates whizbang and zayle + also 25 new ranks
HS community : wtf blizzard you are not listening to us.

same thing in wow
people cried that the raids are too powerful and they dont have much time to raid and when blizzard made LFR so you can get easier raid gear every1 hated it because they can do raids easy… like cmon man >.<!


Well there is, you can do it all with gold. What you’re truly paying for is time. You get the packs quicker and the cards quicker buying bundles etc.

It’s definitely not impossible with gold, just slower. It depends whether a new player comes into Hearthstone for fun, casual play and just plays around with Play Mode (Casual), but if you’re serious in climbing the ladder, I would think the player would be prepared to put in the time.

Another idea I’ve seen bandied around the forums is make people pay a sub fee for the game like WoW, but you get all the cards from the get go and perhaps the player has to buy the expansion as you would for any game.

Nah you got it wrong man. The problem with this game is it’s not fun due to Blizzard implementing a flawed monetization system, i.e. pay-to-win garbage. They can’t get it right, RMAH in Diablo 3 anyone?

People won’t agree but I don’t give a ****. Activision reduced their earnings for Q3 today because Blizzard is dying. Argue all you want but the truth is in the numbers.
