Forum Morale, Moderation, and Positive Community Presence

I know how others demeanor can change when harboring built up frustrations, or that general, “grinding-of-teeth”, monotanous taste of something long past stale. Yet, the monotany can sometimes become quite comfortable.

I have struggled in the keeping of these incessantly loud, and negative thoughts that others may have experienced from time, to time; as the things I enjoyed seemed to morph, and take on the form of such an unfamiliar shape.

“Can you sympathize with this, as well?”

However, I have learned that denying change had completely distorted my perspective. I know nothing stays the same, or when appearing static, there’s evidence on the contrary. Still I find myself wanting that familiarity. I sometimes go to great lengths to keep it. If it’s a system, I try to maintain it, even if it’s not mine to maintain. I have oftentimes gone back to that selfish perspective in order to keep that comfort.

“Does this sound familiar?” “Can you think of a time you may have done this very thing?”

I think we all have, in some form, or another, though that’s just an opinion. Like all opinions, there are many configurations, but no one is more important than another. With that in mind, I suppose we all here on this forum, create this shifting chaotic amalgamation; solely bent on consuming its self."

“If we can, I wonder if we would be able to implement some form of scaffolding for this monstrous beast?” “Should we even try…?”

The negativity of some forms in this forum are absurdly cannibalistic, and with that thought in mind, I realize my own hypocrisy.

I plead to all who may read this, and to all moderators, “WHAT tools can we use to implement this scaffold, so that WE all can HELP to minimise this amalgamation’s insatiable appetite?”