For those, who would make claims against Wild

Be sure to tell us how Twist is bad and you wont be trying it out because its “bad” and not because you only have the few free heroes to dip your toes in the water.

How it was smart to dust your old cards to “save” a few bucks on the “real” mode…

Gosh… what if Twist is actually decent…

Are you going to craft Noz?

or Patches lol?

No ofc not “cuz its bad”


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I’m still getting Nozdormu regardless of him being “self-destrustive” or having bad brand recognition. Big stress is funny to me!

I have yet to see all the hero powers n whatnot.

Since I have all but 2 Im be at it awhile…

Might even craft the last couple if its fun.

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Standard = Beta
Wild = Alpha
Twist = Sigma

I bet some Standard player will claim the opposite :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Am I eligible to partake in this discussion now?

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A one word tell that someone worships toxic masculinity. Please, stop posting and go back to rewatching Breaking Bad without understanding it.

You are squirting poison everywhere, (quoting only one word) then you should stop posting and go outside…11k posts :neutral_face:

Tell us you support Apartheid without telling us you support Apartheid.

“If we make them all steril, and hate work… if they shun the use of their muscles and their minds… it will be so much easier to replace them with other people who will in turn be dehumanized and destroyed until only us chameleon vampires are left”

And then?

“Well we will have achieved immortality and well… our “helpers” wont want an eternity of being our slaves and such… so yeah they will all be exterminated as well”

And then?

“Oh its gonna be GRAND, see there are like our Leaders n stuff… they love to wear robes and do like rituals n stuff and destroy lives”

So your plan is to remove the vast majority of their food… and sport… And then it will be you and others like you and then Them.

And… this notion of them needing you afterwards… for something… this appeals to you?

Hmm whatever could the Djinn want with you I wonder…

“WHOOOO e v e r saaaaaidssss WE wanted YOU…”

“My c-cosssst… costs have tripled”

“Money if of no concern to me”


Bro, just because I think that people who say “Walter White did nothing wrong” are at the best cringe and at the worst dangerous, doesn’t mean that I’m down with the Tony Podesta types of the world, who think that black “magick” is a worthwhile hobby and send numerous annoying emails to their acquaintances who have something vaguely resembling real power. Obviously witchcraft is cringe and doesn’t provide any real power, and the professional shamans of the world are sophisticated con artists preying on an underground of rich idiots.

And yes, everyone who likes the term “sigma” has someone like Walter White who they point to and admire. Usually a fictional character, always a villain. Like I said, it’s the worship of toxic masculinity. I’m not even a feminist, this is a centrist perspective here. I’m not a leftist, but yeah on social issues I am to the left of freaking MGTOW. Everyone sane is.

A one word tell that someone worships toxic masculinity. Please, stop posting and go back to rewatching Breaking Bad without understanding it.

(How to put out of contest and revert the dices…easy :relieved:)

I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have argued with you if I’d known ahead of time that you were 11 years old.

You putting words out of contest, generate theories about others and im the 11 yo?! xD

Ps: I never played Twist…where is my toxic masculinity? Trashtalker