Fix your game, a statment from a HS season 1 player

Simplest way to put it.

Maybe I am not sure how competitive in what you play but whatever game I play I make sure to play the legit standard format of the game, for example, for League I play SOLO/DUOQ and not Twisted Tridline or Flex, it isn’t the competitive system even tho it is ranked, for me wild is just a clown fiesta for old decks, and everyone believes the same.

Good man, you kept playing since ever to this day, if I did play every season to rank 5 like I easily could I would probably have that opportunity, sadly I didn’t play and by that I understand that I can’t be rewarded, makes sense but not being rewarded is not the same as being punished to not be able to build the decks.

“Maybe I am not sure how competitive in what you play but whatever game I play I make sure to play the legit standard format of the game, for example, for League I play SOLO/DUOQ and not Twisted Tridline or Flex, it isn’t the competitive system even tho it is ranked, for me wild is just a clown fiesta for old decks, and everyone believes the same.”

standard is do you want to play the same 3 or 3 opponent decks maybe every game

wild is do you want a different every game

standard is for only super rich kids who disobey.

I counted 5 different decks in last 6 matches on rank 11

You are asking Blizz to balance the game? Forget it! They don’t listen. This has been the issue for years now. Players have continuously complained about it but to no avail. What you get is a few dominant classes/decks that gives you a boring repetitiveness. No diversity, Classes that have their identity completely changed (like Druid and Mage). The problem is not difficult to identify and the devs have heard us but chose not to do anything about it because they think that they are right and they know better. That’s the only explanation. I have a nice collection of cards, invested money in this game…so I won’t quit but I am taking a break…just doing the dailies to get the gold for the next expansion and I will keep going on like this until things change. No more money for Blizz for the time being. Great time to play new games.


I guess Blizz also has a gestapo who edit your comments b/c they are not politically correct.

good…dont give money to these blizzard modernfkers.

Concern troll detected. Get out, there’s no food for you here.


So, after the new release we just have decks over 15k dust, so any player that doesn’t invest any money is literally doomed, well done blizzard :smiley:

So less than a week ago I complained about the state of the game and used language like c r a p and even then I censored using $%^& and the like and I was reported and given a one day suspension. This guy posts with phrases using God’s name profanely and gets this nifty little edit?

Dunno why nobody touched on this (apologies if I missed it), but:

-You should have been refunded dust for any cards that were HoF’d (e.g., Sylvanas).

-You can still play any of those cards in Wild. And in fact, probably should. That’s the main point of an eternal format. You’ll still want to invest in some staple Wild cards, but it’s most likely going to be more economical than Standard from scratch, and it lasts longer. For example, Loatheb has been a solid choice in the format forever, and I don’t see that changing.

If I posted this i would be blocked for a month. seems like blizzard’s mods are awfully capricious in who gets censored and who does not.
Much like their product, there is no parity in this forum’s moderation.

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Budget decks still work, the only thing I can agree on is the cost to try out lots of fun decks this expansion has been inflated by the prominence of Highlander and Quest decks.

In the OP’s defense, there really is a lot of broken, insane, unbalanced crap with a few classes right now. Stats on hsreplay show this if the devs would get a clue and look.


instead of crying so much find somewhere i actually offended anyone, which didnt happen at all.

I seriously don’t understand why people say “play in wild”, first why would I? if I want to play in standard whats the issue? Its the competitive format and thats what I want to play, and blizzard is forcing me to either spend 100€ on packs or not playing at all because I am not playing wild due to lack of old cards lol, makes no sense to go on wild where there are EVEN MORE cards to spend MORE dust and MORE MONEY, lol, theres is no problem in making 2/3 releases every 2 years and rotating 1/2 out and get dust out of the rotation so you can rebuild your decks in the standard, blizzard is literally forcing people to invest to play standard and that goes against the “free too play” system, you literally can’t with cheap decks anymore, previous 3 seasons I easily hit rank 2 and 3 with mech hunter, now I can barely go rank 7, zoo is dead, warrior is dead aswell, a 11k dust deck built over years and years is now dead for good! and i am forced to build 20k dust dekcs for mage and hunter? lol, that is a joke and an offense to every HS player who doesn’t invest at all.

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There is no “issue”; you can go for whatever you want. It’s just that coming back to the game after a couple years, you should expect Standard to be a more expensive mode to get into.

My post explained why: it is more economical for people coming back after a long break. And it is probably more economical in the long term in general.

Every format is as competitive as you make it, no more no less. Standard is the more common tournament format, but that hardly matters if you aren’t playing in them. Wild is actually a solid format with at least as good a track record (overall) as Standard in terms of format balance/diversity.

The bar for a card to see play in Wild is higher, and there are no rotations, so it stands to reason that you will need to invest in fewer cards over any 2-year period.

Plus, my understanding of the earlier ranks in Wild is that many of its practitioners like to play wacky decks until about rank 5. So you should be able to compete just fine even if you start out with something suboptimal.

Again, you can play whatever format you want. But the very nature of rotational and legacy formats is that one will require new cards every year or two, and one will require minor additions every once in a while after you get your collection built up.

If you’re that upset about the rotational format, um, rotating, then play in the legacy format. That’s what it’s for.

Besides, after the Barnes nerf, this has to be one of the nicer times to try Wild out.

I so want to be in your corner on this but I need to correct you on something: standard WAS created to be the cash mode. I play wild exclusively and every new release I need only a dozen odd cards for my 15 wild decks.

Each release creates at least 1 to 5 COMPLETELY new decks in standard. You’ll need a lot of dust for these new decks. I don’t think the 65 - 75 free packs from dust each set will be enough.

That’s because nobody gives a darn about god.

there is no way to fix this game, Im also a season 1 player and I finally quit this sh*t, best decision ever.

enjoying wow classic now.

“created by”, the two words that destroyed HS.

So you stopped playing a free-to-play game and you are now playing a pay-to-play game created by the same company?!
Cool, maybe this was their intention all along. Pretty genius if you ask me.