Fix lady prestor

Lady Prestor with her random BS is unbearably unfun. I am tired of facing druid after druid with randomly generated board clears, Kazakusans and alex to the face. Change this insanely stupid card for the sake of the game’s health

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Just play Mech Mage and you will destroy Prestor Druid.

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Clearly you have lost to mild prestor decks and have come to complain.

Instead, look for a way to counter this or out pace it. If clearing boards are a problem, stop relying on minion heavy decks and switch it up to spells or quests etc. This is very much not a problematic card as of today.


Could you please post your deck list? Perhaps, there is improvement that can be made.

Yeah Im not taking opinions on the game from an anti-semite and a person who asks why Valdris Felgorge isn’t played in the super aggro meta of Wild. LOL

What a random and desperate shot in the da…


He is right about the Mech Mage vs Prestor Druid matchup though. 60-40 for the Mage.

Her RNG needs to be in line with the higher dragons. I seen way too many Alexes for 8 damage already! The legendaries need to RNG 1 per deck at max!

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Viable meme decks should be allowed to exist, I think. I’ve only ever lost to one Prestor Druid. The deck is very mediocre. And it’s in a good spot winrate wise. Maybe a little too popular, but that trend will surely fade.

Let’s be honest. Many players wanted Prestor to see play, and finally, it is. To boot, its winrate is near-perfect at ~50%.

I get it. Playing against prestor is just not fun. It’s not OP but the game just turns into a complete crapshoot the moment she’s played. Sure you win some or even most of the time but losing to it is just so damn frustrating.

“Oh you got 2 Raidbosses an Alex and Kazakusan for 2 mana each? Cool. Well played.”

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5 more days. Then you all can run Steamrollers and kill that deck instantly. Rejoice.

there just simply is too many good dragons in the rotation right now. Like the former pirate warriors playing mech mage now, most the people playing it will jump ship to the next copy paste deck when the next set is released.

Fix her how? Like you said it’s already random. Do you want the pool to be just a handful of weak cards? If so, that defeats the purpose of playing a high risk high reward card like her.

Oop it’s a mini-necro. But yeah like SAGI said, the Steamcleaner mech will take care of it anyway lol.

I personally would hate to see Lady Prestor nerfed. When I see a Prestor druid I think, sweet free win 60+% of the time! If you get past the negative emotion that prestor can instill when they high-roll (I’ve faced 4 Aleksztraza to face prestors before followed up by several onyxias) they are really a crappy deck most of the time.

Yesterday I was playing against the prestor druid and dude just put 4 Haleh, Matron on board played two spells and I died. The thing is that I have the same deck time to time I play it for fun and I never get that lucky lol. Deck have more rng than thief rogue lol

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It’s funny how Regis was like “it’s a mediocre tech card for something like Kazakasan way later” when it counters Prestor and sunken/Ambassador cards which a lot of decks use as well.

That’s because those decks aren’t likely to be relevant enough to warrant a deck slot for Steamcleaner. If your opponent isn’t putting stuff in their deck, it’s a dead draw. Sure, it’s perfect after Kazakusan/Prestor, but that may be sitting in your hand for a long time doing nothing. Prestor herself is expensive, as is Kazukusan is when played directly, so that will delay things a bit. And while it may decrease the value of their deck, many decks don’t rely on that enough to make up for the tempo loss that Steamcleaner involves.

If anything, it existing will curb the popularity of a few decks, but the prominent decks will work around Steamcleaner enough that it will be a very situational tech card, and an expensive one without the Tradeable keyword at that. Many tech cards today are only viable because of Tradeable.

So yeah, I suspect Regis is right.

Steamcleaner has value against questline priest, big beast hunter, prestor druid (which at the moment isn’t uncommon). So there’s certainly value to having it, if your match ups are against those decks commonly enough.

That’s… kind of the point. It’s an option. It’s weird to measure a card’s value by whether or not it’ll be in every deck, that’s not the point of this tech card.

Prestor druid is faaaaaaaaaaaaar beyond a meme deck, it is a powerhouse almost invincible deck, don’t completely take over the meta because hunters (very popular now) and murlock shaman keep the deck in check, anything else it needs the midgame/lategame are completely destroyed without any hope by this abomination.

40 cards deck and I never see, not even once, the druid player fail to play Prestor on curve or faster with Innervate, that is how insanely broken the deck is.