Finally reached Legend!

I have been playing Hearthstone since the Goblins vs. Gnomes days, but I have never reached Legend before. Sometimes I get up to Diamond 1 or 2, but most of the time I wear out after Diamond 5.

I just got lucky today playing a Plague Death Knight deck against a bunch of Warriors and was able to finally do it before the month ended. Just pretty happy even though I have taken a few years off now and then.


Cheers mate :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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It’s good that you’re willing to factor in luck for your calculations, but don’t sell yourself short. Just look around this forum, plenty of people never reached legend. You succeeding means you finally have what it takes.

Next time it might take you 10-20-30 games more to reach it, if you were lucky now, but then again, maybe you reach it even sooner cuz now you’re confident in your abilities :slight_smile:

Gj and gl in future.


I’m stuck in Platinum with Can’t Attack Priest, idk what I’m doing wrong?

Congrats!! :slight_smile: What legendary did you get for it? When you hit Legend for the first time, it’s such a great feeling. I’m happy you got it.

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Thanks! I received Skarr, the Catastrophe. Maybe I will build an elemental deck around it next month.


100% agree. I’m against the company as much (if not more) as the next person and hate the direction things are going…but let’s not diminish when one of us actually accomplish something in game and wants to celebrate it.

That crab in the bucket mentality may be what reigns in Irvine, but it doesn’t have to be what rules us non company folk.

Congrats, op!


Congrats! ///////////


I can’t see any trolling here.

The current anti warrior Plague Death Knight is a relatively expensive deck (12k+ dust). He is presumably a paying customer. Besides he got for some reason a lot of good (“lucky”) matchups. If he had got some counter opponents as well, he would be possibly still in diamond rank. Favorable (rigged) matchmaking can have a huge impact.

Anyway, congratulations.

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I wish I was able to get one of those free loaner decks that can get legend with a couple tweaks, unfortunately I’ve been playing HS for 10 years and I don’t spend money on it so I guess I’m not supposed to get legend which is sorta sad but also sorta funny, I can’t blame blizz though I guess, they need/want people to spend money or to not play their game for years and then lure them back with a free meta deck

Oh well

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Please don’t lie to yourself and to others in your position.

I’ve been playing almost since the Beta, never spent a cent on the game, and have reached Legend continuously since 2015.

In 2017 I quit the game, returned 3 months ago, disenchanted all cards, made 2 decks and hit legend in less than a week.

Just copy a popular tier 1 or 2 aggro deck or make one based on such an aggro deck and you’re good to go.

Failure to hit legend can only be your fault.

It’s only if you wish to hit top 20 legend and play tournaments where non-paying becomes an issue.

Or if you enjoy playing megalomaniac decks with xy legendary cards, in which case, sucks to be you

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I’m not lying to myself or others. I’ve been to diamond 1 quite a few times. But there is always something that happens. You are right failure to hit legend is my fault because I simply don’t care to and I don’t spend the money required (true f2p legend has been unattainable for at least 5 years at this point). I only play fun/homebrew stuff so yeah I’m sorry but I’m not gonna copy some deck, where is the pride in that? I’d much rather not be legend than ask ChatGPT to reach legend for me. I’m happy you are able to hit legend with such ease and disenchanting your collection, if that was worth it to you. It isn’t to me. Mostly I just think it’s funny that total noob HS players can be given a deck to reach legend but veteran f2p players have no such option.

Because you don’t care to, that might be true.

Definitely not because you don’t pay money.

This is why I asked you to stop lying. I’m a true f2p in Legend.

We’re all different, so it’s understandable if you find no pride in it. But at least stop crying about not being able to hit legend without paying money, then. It’s not the lack of cards which is stopping you from hitting legend. It’s your principles.

If you don’t care about doing it, don’t cry about not being able to do it. You’re just baiting people such as me in unnecessary discussions. People who want to help when they can, and then get punished for it.

A little bit of a perfectionist, aren’t we? It’s OK. I hope it gets better for you.

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I’m sorry man I didn’t read your comment but I’m sure you wrote some stuff

I am in the same boat, I’ve spend no money in ancient times. Made legend for the first time around GvG, without spending a cent and damn it was hard back then…

I had a brake, returned a couple of years ago. Then I,ve spend a bit for a smoother return…

I am not buying stuff anymore since at least 4 expansions and I am legend on demand.
Often I fool around with my own decks at diamond 5+ but if I want to I grab a meta deck and hit legend.
My mmr is probably between 5k-2k cuz this is where I stop climbing easily.

All you need is a collection and time gives you a big enough collection to play what you want.

Btw my time investment is also less then 2 hours a day.


Assuming that you can only hit legend if you pay for your collection is a limiting belief.


Congrats, the drudge is real. Hope I get it myself before the end of the day. The durp dragon decks this time around with the occasional zug zug paladin sprinkled in for brevity is getting mighty old the last 10 losses.

Edit: Nope too many of the above-mentioned meta winners. Hope the change out provides a better product.

Legends simply congratulate, the rest cry and complain :shushing_face:


Lol, you aren’t wrong. One day they’ll join the club too if they don’t give up.

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Congratulations. :smiley:

Feels good, doesn’t it.
Glad you made it.