Explorer, A Custom Hearthstone Format

Hey everyone.

On occasion I come up with rule sets and modes to introduce into Hearthstone. My latest creation is Explorer, a dynamic Format that changes monthly, keeping the meta fresh and interesting.

Here’s the link if you’d like to read it, just remove the space between the “/” and “o”:

https:// outof.cards/forums/hearthstone/hearthstone-general/2566-explorer-a-custom-hearthstone-format

I’d post it here in the forums, but it’s a better experience if you read it via the link I’ve provided.

I really like the concept, it would guarantee a meta-proof format month by month, should standard get stale.

However, i see 2 things that irk me a bit:
· The card pool progressively reduces, ebbs up with new releases, then shrinks again. A smaller pool has less room for exploration. (Maybe I exaggerate though)

· It shares initial cardpool with Standard, so it could be perceived as Standard Redux.

I love the concept though, thanks for it.

Thank you for reading.

1: Towards then end of the year, after the last expansion comes out, is probably when this would be most noticeable. I think some players would enjoy this because the value of what’s in a deck increases as more choices are taken away over time.

2: I think you may be a bit confused, it uses all of the cards, Wild included. It will share a card pool with Wild in the first month, but once the first wave of bans hits it’ll start to differentiate itself.

Thank you for your input.

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OOOOh that makes more sense.

I like it even more then.

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That could be interesting. I personally just wish they will eventually make something like “guilds” where, among other things, everyone can come up with such a format or any other easily implementable rule change (like more starting health/mana, what and how many cards in a deck, etc.)

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An additional social feature is definitely something HS needs. Because in all honesty, for taking place in a filled tavern, it feels really empty and lonely. On top of that the only real interaction you have with other players is emoting during a match.

I’m currently working on another format, one that focuses on very competitive play, that I’d like to see replace the Standard ladder as the main competitive format. Standard will still exist, just gotta make sure this format is right before I get to real work on it.

And I’m also working on a new sub menu concept to let players branch out into deck building, set restrictions, rule alterations, and the like. This one’s most likely coming up next, just gotta find time to do it.

Hopefully my ideas/concepts will get Blizzard’s attention and MAYBE they’ll consider implementing one of them.

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