Event quests (15 characters)

Honestly, !@#$% these BG event quests. I do not have fun playing this mode. Too many neckbeards min/maxing while I get trash for minions.

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I don’t care for the mode either. But you can still easily get all the rewards by simply playing out the regular HS event quests. And the first BG quest I think is just play a BG match for which you can simply queue up on your phone, put the phone down, and go watch TV or a funny youtube video for 10 minutes, and when you pick up your phone again, your quest will be complete (with practically no effort). The next BG quest might be to finish in the top 4, which means you actually need to play it out, so screw that amiright?

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One of them is to play 10 or 15 golden minions. The last is to finish in the top 4, twice.

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then dont play it and complete the event

dont worry the rewards wont be locked if you focus on the HS ones