Epic cards pity timer

Does standart packs also have pity timer?

Why would you ask?

I assume they do, yes. But it is my understanding you have to open a large lump all at the same time.

do epic cards have pity timers? i was not aware of that.
wasn’t it like one in ten packs or something? i think i read that somewhere but not sure.

Yes, it’s ten packs. source: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/32545

Then i encountered a bug. I opened 10 standard packs without getting epic… I though there is since till now it behaved like any other packs but when this happened i just wonder if thats the case or maybe it does not have pity timer.

Just to add it happened during this expansion even though i do not see why it would reset otherwise.

The part that says “Ten Packs” is listed under Normal Packs. I can’t say with any certainty that Standard Packs are considered Normal Packs though. IMO Normal Packs are just the regular expansion packs and therefor Standard Packs wouldn’t have a pity timer.

Thats what i wanted to find out.

Other types of packs listed after (therefore as alternatives to) “normal” packs are gold/ signature packs, and catch up packs. So, I would say that every pack that isn’t a gold/ signature pack or a catch up pack is a “normal” pack.

Anyhoo, you should never buy standard packs anyway. Buy packs for the expansion you want, and that way you have a better chance of pulling the cards you need.

That only leaves “freebie” standard packs from Tavern Brawls etc. They’re basically free, so whatever you get is a bonus.

I am not buying those, they just come from brawl, reward track, events…

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im surprised you are opening them now

most people hoard them around this time of the year because of the rotation

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I know, but i have a lot of dust if i need cards for some deck i want to play. And with duplicate protection everything is easier.

I don’t know all the jargon yet; what is a pity timer?


In Hearthstone it’s when you are unlucky on your pack opening and the game forcibly gives you something “good” at some point
if RNG would have given you 5 commons in a pack, the game forces a rare instead of a common
If you would have opened 10 packs of the same expansion without a single epic, you are guaranteed one in your 10th pack
40th pack without a legendary, guaranteed legendary…
Pity timer, quite literaly the timer before the games takes pity on you