Dying of laughter

Guys hi!

I haven’t played HS for like 7-9 months, not going to play because i spend time in WOW…and time to time come here to read forums.


Every topic nothing but whining to nerf that or that, uninstalling, worst expansion and so on…I mean relax… IT IS JUST A GAME. Take a break, do not take this game like it is your life priority.

Why you are all so mad? Go outside BREATH SOME FRESH AIR.

Thank you all for all laughter. Wish you best! :v:


Says the guy who still reads the HStone forums after not playing for 7-9 months…cool bruh?


Yeah i know what you mean but come… sometimes its just mehhhh…
Like the New Druid Card “Survival of the Fittest” on Turn 2

Hm, Well played

and then the druid loses because they are stuck playing nothing for 5 turns

Peverin = Druid Playa 100%

ofc i have played druid, why wouldnt i? what most of the haters gets wrong is that it isnt survival nor kael that breaks the deck, its guardian animals that makes the deck excel