Dust refunds for cards rotating out

So… the Journey to the Un’Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and Kobolds and catacombs are getting kicked out of standard next month. I have every hero card for all the classes in the frozen throne set. Should I disenchant them now, or will they give any refunds when they rotate out? If so, how much? 100%?, 50%? 25%? Or if they just refund the disenchant rate, I would rather disenchant them now. Pls help guys, thx!!!

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No refunds for cards rotating out. Only hall of fame cards.


Well, technically you get 25% dust, but only, if you disenchant them.

If only Commons and Rares had that rate of return.

Like to see some sort of a “thank you for playing ### games, here is a free Legendary of the next expansion”

You get a free legendary whenever a new expansion is released already.


Oh, uh… well… I’d like to see some fort of “thank you for playing ### games, here’s three free packs as well…”

Oh, right… Well, I still want more!

Lmao at the comments.

You know what the thank you for support is?
Your cards go to wild or are nerfed in the future.

That’s it.

Thank you for giving us cash. Along with the other 100s of people. We don’t care. We own you.

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i too would like too see some sort of extra dust for cards rotating out, but its understandable why they don’t do that. But I dont suggest on dusting them since wild can be really fun if you dont take games way to seriously.

Your cards leaving Standard does not mean you will be unable to use them, it means you will be unable to use them in Standard. That’s why you don’t get a refund. You can continue to use them in Wild, or you can smash them for dust if you 100% have no intention of playing Wild. And then regret doing it later when 100% turns out to be more like 99%.

If you want to play with your existing cards forever, rotate to Wild with them.


noooo. Don’t disenchant them

Or when you figure out that about half of all Tavern Brawls are construct your own deck with more than half of those being Wild.