Dust disappeared bug

A couple days ago I had some 2800 dust, yesterday I logged in and I only had 195 dust. I was just disenchanting and crafting a bunch of things so I remember very clearly there was about 2800 left and somehow the next day that went down to 195.

I’ve been instructed to make a post here, hopefully someone is able to see my account history, figure out what happened and revert it.


But You really have 2800? Because was a bug and a Lot of people gain free dust, now they removed

Forsure. I was just crafting decks the night before, and I remember I had 4k and some change, then crafted one leg and like two rares going down to 2800. Next morning the 2800 was gone.

I need to understand this, because mine has disappeared as well. Yes, I got the 3200 dust. Is that something we lost if we didn’t use it right away, because wow, that would suck.

A little while ago (maybe ten days?), Blizzard gave everyone 6k-ish dust by mistake.

If you didn’t spend any of it, they took it all back.
If you spent some of it, they took back the unspent remainder.
If you spent all of it, lucky you.