Duo Battlegrounds PSA

Stop trying to play the game for other players… don’t sit there and attempt to dictate their every move. Its annoying AF. – If you want complete control of the game, play solo BGs.

Its fine to make suggestions, but when its turn one and you’re telling someone what to buy, you’re a cancer. Its toxic and annoying.

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Turn 1 is pretty important. I imagine even more so in Duos. Also, the bubbles are generally perceived as suggestions; thinking they are demands/commands seems to stem from anger and frustration on your part.

If you don’t like your team mate, then rage quit, duh

That’s what I do.

But I don’t care about the next big thing so much.

Not true. Had a guy leave the game because I ignored his pings.

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I don’t think this makes my statement any less true.

I think you miss the concept of Duos

Haven’t tried Duos yet, Since I don’t wanna let down a random person if my connection gets screwy with me. Is it better or worse than Solo? Because I’ve been having trouble keeping up in solo games.

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The fact that I get absolute braindead partners in duos and blizzards dumb 455 won’t even let you report them just shows how little they give a

As a gamer I understand there are a lot of toxic gamers out there, but I have not encountered as many in one single forum as I have in Duo’s. People like as described or just a bad the ones that quit just because you didn’t do something the way they suggested you to. Personally, though because I have a fairly high rating and win percentage, I find it laughable when people try to suggest to me what I should do.