
Hey. I ues alot of my gold to play Duels. When i play Sai DK i get all option to fill for plauges. But Helya is banned. Some runs i can get her in every pick and sometimes she never shows. My question is why is she banned? If i can still pick her up 5 times during duels but cant take here in creation? Very frustrating to build a deck that sometimes work and some times doesnt

Btw i tried 10 different titles and got error, this one worked

Cards are banned to lower the power/frustration/consistancy level of some decks, but the card is still available to obtain later once over decks have been able to keep up the pace.
Helya is an example of a card that is way stronger in early games of a run, because the opponent has so little cards she’s way more impactful than designed. She’s then allowed again in later games once opponent’s have more cards in their decks and her impact is closer to the intended one.

That’s obviously all theorical.

okey but warriors armor span to shuffel 5dmg boms are Okey?

I just gave you a design theory regarding bans, to maybe answer your question.
For the actual practice and balance of the game I’m not inside the head of the devs.

well im not blaming you. but its stupid that they ban helya but allow warrior to shuffle 5 dmg bombs into ur deck as long as they have armor. how is that not more OP than Helya?

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Not like it matters, they already announced they are removing duels from the game.