Duels is.. dissapointing

TBH i was super excited to see a new game mode was coming but now that its here, I’m super disappointed. Its literally just Arena 2.0 and I already ignore Arena as is. This isn’t new its just recycled.

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It’s not really that similar to arena. Completely different hero powers, you build your own starting deck, more synergistic buckets than arena drafts, powerful treasure cards, etc.


I agree looks very similar to Arena right down to the lazy copypasta’d rewards system.

The addition of a casual mode with no cost is also phenomenal for lowering the barrier to entry.


You start a deck by choosing it from cards. Which means you can tailor the initial tech like weapon removal or silence.

That’s nothing like Arena.

Can’t await to see the tier when it comes out. Guess high rolling isn’t worth.

Don’t knock it until you try it!

Even if you still don’t like it, you can honestly say you’ve tried it.


Of course I tried it. I was hoping my initial thoughts would be proven wrong but sadly they were not. Its still just Arena with a few extra steps

Oh, I thought it wasn’t coming until November. My apologies then!

Its fine you get early access with the preorder